As pollinators, bees play a key role in maintaining biodiversity. Wild bees are sensitive and significant bioindicators in the agricultural landscape. Many bee species in central Europe are endangered. There is a worldwide decline of bees in the agricultural landscape, which has led in some regions to an economically significant decrease in pollination and this in turn led to loss in yields. In order to stop the decline of the wild bee population, supporting and protecting agri-environmental measures are needed.
In field trials on farms, this project will investigate how farmers can conserve wild bees in asustainable way. Semi-natural habitatsand high-potential production areas are tested on differently structured farms in terms of enhancing wild bees. One of the main goals is to develop a frameworks improving the habitat conditions for wild bees on farm level and a catalogue of measures for practical use.
Unterschätzte Wildbienen – neues Faktenblatt fasst praxisrelevante Forschungsergebnisse zusammen