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Monika Messmer

Affiliation / Function

Activity areas

  • Breeding research
  • Microbiome-assisted breeding
  • Participatory breeding
  • Organic seed


ongoing CH Lupin breeding and innovation for improved suitability for cultivation in Switzerland (LuZIA) 17.02.2025 16.02.2029
ongoing CH Focus on black-eyed peas: the grain legume for future climate strategies (AugenBlick) 01.01.2025 31.12.2027
completed CH Sweet Sorghum: a climate-smart beet sugar alternative for Switzerland 01.06.2024 31.12.2024
ongoing CH Crop wild relatives utilization and conservation for sustainable agriculture (COUSIN) 01.01.2024 31.12.2028
ongoing CH Cowpea – an underutilised and drought-resistant grain legume for diverse nutrition and climate-friendly agriculture in Switzerland 01.01.2024 31.01.2026
ongoing CH Fundamentals of the selection of enhanced symbiotic nitrogen fixation in pea breeding (PiSym) 01.01.2024 31.01.2026
completed CH Validation of microbiome-mediated resistance of pea to soil fatigue under field conditions (VaMiBO) 01.01.2024 31.12.2024
ongoing CH LupiSweet – Alkaloid monitoring in white lupin (LupiSweet) 01.01.2024 31.12.2027
ongoing CH Benefits of organic breeding: taking stock and raising awareness (benefits.biobreeding) 01.11.2023 31.10.2026
ongoing CH EU Organic Farming Regulation vs. Bio Suisse legislations 01.11.2023 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Developing Intercropping for agrifood Value chains and Ecosystem Services delivery in Europe and Southern countries (IntercropValuES) 01.11.2022 31.10.2026
ongoing CHDEEU Organic seed and plant breeding to accelerate sustainable and diverse food systems in Europe (LiveSeeding) 01.10.2022 30.09.2026
ongoing CH Root2Res: Root phenotyping and genetic improvement for rotational crops resilient to environmental change (EU Root2Res) 01.09.2022 31.08.2027
ongoing CH Co-constructing interactive short and mid-tier food chains to value agrobiodiversity in healthy plant- based food (DIVINFOOD) 01.03.2022 28.02.2027
ongoing CH Consumption of Resilient Orphan Crops & Products for Healthier Diets (CROPS4HD) 01.07.2021
completed CH Breeding white lupin for resistance & quality for innovative Swiss food from sustainable, regional production (LUPINNO SUISSE) 01.03.2021 28.02.2025
ongoing CH EVAluation of Soybean varieties for low Input and Organic productioN under stressed conditions (EVASION) 01.03.2021 31.03.2025
completed CH Breeding to establish Swiss peas in agriculture and human nutrition (ZESELE) 01.10.2020 30.09.2024
completed CH Plant microbiome recruitment for superior agricultural systems (AGRIBIOME) 01.04.2020 31.03.2024
completed CH PROMISE – Sustainable protein supply with species mixtures in Switzerland – focus on pea and lentil (PROMISE) 01.02.2020 31.01.2024
completed CH PGREL project "Use of gene resources in apples for organic farming II" (PGREL-Nutzungsprojekt) 01.01.2020 31.12.2023
completed CHEU Engagement of the organic value chain to support Organic Breeding in Europe (ENGAGEMENT.BIOBREEDING EUROPE) 01.09.2019 31.08.2022
completed CH Innovationen in der Sortenprüfung in Europa zur Förderung der Einführung neuer Sorten, die besser an verschiedene biotische und abiotische Stressbedingungen und an nachhaltigere Anbaumethoden angepasst sind (INVITE) 01.07.2019 30.06.2024
completed CH Seeding the Green Future: Breeding for Securing Organic Cotton & Genetic Diversity Phase II (2018-2022) (SGF) 01.01.2018 30.06.2022
completed CHDE LIVESEED - Improve performance of organic agriculture by boosting organic seed and plant breeding efforts across Europe (LIVESEED) 01.06.2017 30.09.2021
completed CH ReMIX - Redesigning European cropping systems based on species MIXtures (ReMIX) 01.05.2017 30.04.2021
completed CH Seeding the Green Future: Breeding for Securing Organic Cotton & Genetic Diversity Phase I (Indian Cotton Season 2017/18) (SGF) 01.01.2017 31.03.2018
completed CH Development and technical implementation of modern seed technologies (cleaning, thermal seed treatment, priming, coating with microorganisms) (Saatguttechnologie) 01.10.2016 30.04.2021
completed CH Improvement of population breeding of open-pollinated broccoli as a replacement for cell-fusion based CMS hybrids (Brokkoli Züchtung) 01.10.2016 30.04.2021
completed CH Development of selection systems and participatory breeding for weed suppression or tolerance of Swiss soya (Soybean Breeding) 01.10.2016 30.04.2021
completed CH Solutions for quality cereal production in low fertilty situations (CerQual) 01.07.2016 30.06.2020
completed CH Improving disease resistance of peas through selection at the plant-soil interface (resPEAct) 01.06.2016 31.12.2020
completed CH PGREL project "Use of gene resources in apples for organic farming" (Nutzung von Apfel-Genressourcen für den Bio-Anbau) 01.01.2016 29.02.2020
completed CH Organic soya in Switzerland – Optimising the Swiss production chain from seeds to the final product (B3S) 01.01.2016 31.03.2019
completed CH Embedding crop diversity and networking for local high quality food systems (DIVERSIFOOD) 01.03.2015 28.02.2019
ongoing CH Delightful organic apple 01.01.2015 31.12.2025
completed CHDE Support for organic plant breeding research (Support Pflanzenzüchtung) 01.10.2014 30.09.2019
completed CH Breeding research on anthracnose tolerance and intercropping of lupin 01.01.2014 31.12.2023
completed CH An integrated approach to diversify the genetic base, improve stress resistance, agronomic management and nutritional/processing quality of minor cereal crops for human nutrition in Europe (HEALTHYMINORCEREALS) 01.09.2013 31.08.2018
completed CH Legumes and biodiversity: nature compatible concepts for growing protein crops 01.04.2013 30.06.2014
completed CH Coordinating Organic Plant Breeding Activities for Diversity (COBRA) 01.03.2013 28.02.2016
completed CH Multi-purpose cowpea inoculation for improved yields in small holder farms in Kenya (COWBIA) 01.03.2013 28.02.2016
completed CH Promotion of soybean cultivation in Switzerland by improved cultivars and cultivation techniques 01.01.2013 31.12.2015
ongoing CH Decentralised farmers participatory identification and selection of cotton cultivars suitable to organic and Low-Input conditions in India (Green Cotton) 01.01.2013
completed CH Cotton Cultivar Evaluation for organic and low input farming in India (CCE) 01.06.2011 30.05.2017
completed CH Barry Callebaut cocoa production research: System research approach to increase cocoa sustainability 01.05.2011 31.12.2016
ongoing CH European Consortium for Organic Plant Breeding (ECO-PB) 20.04.2011
completed CH Development of maize cultivars for organic agriculture – study of flower biology to optimize development of open pollinated populations 01.04.2011 31.03.2014
completed CH Expansion of soybean cultivation in Germany through breeding, agronomic optimization and processing technology; WP: Breeding for improved soybean-Bradyrhizobia symbiosis and N fixation under cool growing conditions (SOYA) 01.01.2011 31.12.2013
completed CH Influence of cropping system and cultivar on wheat quality (HPTLC Weizen) 01.01.2010 31.12.2012
completed CH Chances and potentials of various plant breeding techniques for organic farming (Züchtungsmethoden für den Ökolandbau) 01.01.2010 31.10.2011
completed CH Intercroping of cereals and grain legumes - Steps towards increased domestic protein production 01.01.2010 31.12.2014
completed CH Improving nutrient efficiency in major European food, feed and biofuel crops to reduce the negative environmental impact of crop production: Genotype x Management Interaction (NUE-CROPS) 01.05.2009 30.04.2014
completed CH Overview of seed and plant breeding activities of Swiss organisations in developing countries with special focus on organic and low input farming 01.05.2009 31.12.2010
completed CH Climate friendly arable and vegetable production (KLINE-AG) 01.01.2009 31.12.2011
ongoing CH Coordination of plant breeding and variety testing for organic farming in Switzerland (Pflanzenzüchtung & Sortenprüfung – CH) 01.01.2009
completed CH Importance of selection environment on breeding gain 01.01.2009 31.12.2009
completed CH AGronomical and TEChnological methods to improve ORGanic wheat quality (AGTEC-Org) (AGTEC-Org) 01.01.2008 30.04.2012
completed CH Impact of transgenic crops on fertility of soils with different management history (NFP 59 Boden) 01.06.2007 30.05.2010

Training / professional career

  • Since 2009 at FiBL
  • 1989 - 2008 Head of R&D on medicinal plant breeding and plant production, VitaPlant AG
  • 2000 - 2003 Project leader in biotechnology for medicinal plants, University of Basel
  • 1993-1999 Project leader for marker assistant resistance breeding, Swiss Research Station of Reckenholz, Zurich
  • 1989 - 1993 PhD studies on molecular markers in plant breeding, Iowa State University & University of Hohenheim
  • 1983 - 1989 Studies in Agro-Biology, University of Hohenheim

Committee work / further activities

  • EUCARPIA – Country representative of Switzerland and board member of Section Organic and Low-Input Agriculture
  • European Consortium for Organic Plant Breeding (ECO-PB) – President
  • Bioverita – Board Member
  • IFOAM International Seed Platform – Founding Member
  • Committee of Experts on the Implementation of the Swiss Plant Breeding Center
  • Advisory Board of Participatory Organic Breeding Platform Ruhstorf Bavarian State Institute for Agriculture


  • 2021: Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research (SFIAR)  – Team award


Publications in the Organic Eprints archive

Publications that are not in the Organic Eprints archive

  • Messmer, M.M., Melchinger, A.E., Lee, M., Woodman, W.L., E.A. Lee, Lamkey, K.R (1991): Genetic diversity among progenitors and elite lines from the Iowa Stiff Stalk synthetic (BSSS) maize population: comparison of allozyme and RFLP data. Theor. Appl. Genet. 83, 97-107
    Messmer, M.M., Melchinger, A.E., Boppenmaier, J., Herrmann, R.G., Brunklaus-Jung, E (1992): RFLP analyses of early-maturing European maize germ plasm: I. Genetic diversity among flint and dent inbreds. Theor. Appl. Genet. 83, 1003-1012
  • Messmer, M.M., Melchinger, A.E., Boppenmaier, J., Brunklaus-Jung, E., Herrmann, R.G (1992): Relationships among early European Maize Inbreds: I. Genetic Diversity among flint and dent lines revealed by RFLPs. Crop Sci. 32, 1301-1309
  • Messmer, M.M., Melchinger, A.E., Herrmann, R.G., Boppenmaier, J (1993): Relation¬ships among early European maize inbreds: II. Comparison of Pedigree and RFLP data. Crop Sci. 33, 944-950
  • Melchinger, A.E., Messmer, M.M., Lee, M., Woodman, W.L., Lamkey, K.R (1991): Diversity and relationships among U.S. maize inbreds revealed by restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Crop Sci. 31, 669-678
  • Livini, C., Ajmone-Marsan, P., Melchinger, A.E., Messmer, M.M., Motto, M (1992): Genetic diversity of maize inbred lines within and among heterotic groups revealed by RFLPs. Theor. Appl. Genet. 84, 17-25
  • Ajmone-Marsan, P., Livini, C., Messmer, M.M., Melchinger, A.E., Motto, M (1992): Cluster analysis of RFLP data from related maize inbred lines of the BSSS and LSC heterotic groups and comparison with pedigree data. Euphytica 60, 139-148
  • Fähr, S., Messmer, M.M., Melchinger, A.E., Lee, M., Woodman, W.L (1993): Graphical genotype of maize inbred B86 revealed by RFLPs. Plant Breeding 110, 29-34
  • Melchinger, A.E., Graner, A., Singh, M., Messmer, M.M (1994): Relationships among European barley germplasm: I. Genetic diversity among winter and spring cultivars revealed by RFLPs. Crop Sci. 34, 1191-1199
  • Siedler, H., Messmer, M.M., Schachermayr, G.M., Winzeler, H., Winzeler, M., Keller, B (1994): Genetic diversity in European wheat and spelt breeding material based on RFLP data. Theor. Appl. Genet. 88, 994-1003.
  • Schachermayr, G.M., Messmer, M.M., Feuillet, C., Winzeler, H., Winzeler, M., Keller, B (1995): Identification of molecular markers linked to the Agropyron elongatum derived leaf rust resistance gene Lr24 in wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 90, 982-990.
  • Feuillet, C., Messmer, M., Schachermayr, G., and Keller, B. (1995): Genetic and  physical  characterization of the Lr1 leaf rust resistance locus in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Mol. Gen.Genet. 248, 553-562
  • Gallego F., Feuillet, C., Messmer, M., Penger A., Graner, A., Yano, M., Sasaki, T., Keller, B. (1998): Comparative mapping of the two wheat leaf rust resistance loci Lr1 and Lr10 in barley and rice. Genome 41, 328-336
  • Zuber, U., Winzeler, H., Messmer, M.M., Keller, M., Keller, B., Schmid, J.E., Stamp, P (1999): Morphologcal traits associatedwith lodging resistance in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 182, 17-24
  • Messmer, M., Keller, M., Zanetti, S., Keller, B. (1999): Genetic linkage map of a wheat x spelt cross. Theor. Appl. Genet. 98, 1163-1170
    Keller, M., Karutz, Ch., Schmid, J.E., Stamp, P., Winzeler, M., Keller, B.,
  • Messmer, M.M. (1999): Quantitative trait loci for lodging resistance in a segregating wheat x spelt cross. Theor. Appl. Genet. 98, 1171-1182
  • Keller, M., Keller, B., Schachermayr, G., Winzeler, M., Schmid, J.E., Stamp, P., Messmer, M.M. (1999): Quantitative trait loci for resistance against powdery mildew in a segregating wheat x spelt cross. Theor. Appl. Genet. 98, 903-912
  • Raps, A., Hilbeck, A., Bigler, F. Fried, P.M.,  Messmer, M. (1999): Konzept und praktische Lösungsansätze zur agronomischen Begleitforschung eines Anbaus transgener Nutzpflanzen. TA-Projekt Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft 1997-1999 Arbeitspapier 2/6, Fachstelle BATS (Biosicherheitsforschung und Abschätzung von Technikfolgen des Schwerpunktprogrammes Biotechnologie des Schweizerische Nationalfonds)
  • Wicki, W., Winzeler, M., Schmid, J.E., Stamp, P., Messmer, M. (1999): Inheritance of resistance to leaf and glume blotch caused by Septoria nodorum Berk. in winter wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 99, 1265-1272
  • Wicki, W., Messmer, M., Winzeler, M., Stamp, P., Schmid, J.E. (2000): In vitro screening for resistance against Septoraia nodorum blotch in wheat. Theor Appl. Genet 99,1273-1280.
  • Messmer, M.M., Seyfarth, R., Keller, M., Schachermayr, G., Winzeler, M., Zanetti, S., Feuillet, C., Keller, B. (2000): Genetic analysis of durable leaf rust resistance in winter wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 100, 419-431
    Seyfarth, R., Feuillet, C., Schachermayr, G., Messmer, M., Winzeler, M.,
  • Keller, B. (2000): Molecular mapping of the adult-plant leaf rust resistance gene Lr 13 in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). J. Genet. & Breed. 54, 193 -198
  • Zanetti, S., Winzeler, M., Keller, M., Keller, B., M.Messmer (2000): Genetic analysis of pre-harvest sprouting resistance in wheat and spelt. Crop Sci. 40, 1406-1417
  • Zanetti, S., Winzeler, M., Feuillet, C., Keller, B., Messmer, M. (2001): Genetic analysis of bread-making quality in wheat and spelt. Plant Breeding 120, 13-19
  • Keller, B., Feuillet, C., Messmer, M. (2000): Genetics of Disease Resistance – Basic concepts and ist application in resistance breeding. In: Mechanisms of Resistance to Plant Diseases, A. Slusarenko, R. Fraser and K. van Loon (eds) Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands pp. 101-160
  • Messmer, M., Schneider, E., Stekly, G., Büter, B. (2002): Determination of the progenitors and the genetic stability of the artichoke cultivar Saluschoke using molecular markers. Journal of Herbs, Spices & medicinal plants 9, 177-182
  • Steck, N., Messmer, M., Schaffner, W., Berger-Büter, K. (2001): Molecular markers as a tool to verify sexual and apomictic of-spring of intraspecific crosses in Hypericum perforatum. Planta Medica 67, 384 -385
    Burgos, St., Messmer, M.M., Stamp, P., Schmid, J.E. (2001): Flooding tolerance of spelt (Triticum spelta L.) compared to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) – A physiological and genetic approach. Euphytica 122, 287-295
  • Feil, B., Seyfarth, R., Orlacchio, C., Messmer, M., Kade, P., Meier, B., Büter, B. (2002): Developlent and yield of field-grown Vitex agnus-castus accessions in Italy. Zeitsch. Arznei- & Gewürzpflanzen 7, 363-367
  • Paillard, S., Schnurbusch, T., Winzeler, M., Messmer, M., Sourdille, P., Abderhalden, O., Keller, B., Schachermayr, G. (2003): An integrarive genetic linkage map of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Theor. Appl. Genet. 107, 1235-1242
  • Schnurbusch, T., Paillard, S. Fossati, D., Messmer, M., Schachermayr, G., Winzeler, M., Keller, B. (2003): Dissecting quantitative and durable Stagonospora glume blotch resistance in Swiss winter wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 107, 1226-1234
  • Schnurbusch, T., Bossolinie, E., Messmer, M., Keller, B. (2004): Tagging and validation of a major quantitative trait locus for leaf rust resistance and leaf tip necrosis in winter wheat cultivar Forno. Phytopathology 94, 1036-1041
  • Paillard, S., Schnurbusch, T., Tiwari, R., Messmer, M., Winzeler, M., Keller, B., Schachermayr, G. (2004): QTL analysis of resistnace to Fusarium head blight in Swiss winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Theor. Appl. Genet. 109, 323-332
  • Schnurbusch, T., Paillard, S., Schori, A., Messmer, M., Schachermayr, G., Winzeler, M., Keller, B. (2004): Dissection of quantitative and durable leaf rust resistance in Swiss winter wheat reveals a major QTL in the Lr34 chromosomal region. Theor. Appl. Genet. 108, 477-484
    Aguilar, V., Stamp, P., Winzeler, M., Winzeler, H., Schachermayr, G., Keller,
  • B., Zanetti, S., Messmer, M.M. (2005): Inheritance of field resistance to Stagonospora nodorum leaf and glume blotch and correlations with other morphological traits in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 11, 325-336