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Nicht in der Datenbank Organic Eprints erfasste Publikationen
Messmer, M.M., Melchinger, A.E., Lee, M., Woodman, W.L., E.A. Lee, Lamkey, K.R (1991): Genetic diversity among progenitors and elite lines from the Iowa Stiff Stalk synthetic (BSSS) maize population: comparison of allozyme and RFLP data. Theor. Appl. Genet. 83, 97-107 Messmer, M.M., Melchinger, A.E., Boppenmaier, J., Herrmann, R.G., Brunklaus-Jung, E (1992): RFLP analyses of early-maturing European maize germ plasm: I. Genetic diversity among flint and dent inbreds. Theor. Appl. Genet. 83, 1003-1012
Messmer, M.M., Melchinger, A.E., Boppenmaier, J., Brunklaus-Jung, E., Herrmann, R.G (1992): Relationships among early European Maize Inbreds: I. Genetic Diversity among flint and dent lines revealed by RFLPs. Crop Sci. 32, 1301-1309
Messmer, M.M., Melchinger, A.E., Herrmann, R.G., Boppenmaier, J (1993): Relation¬ships among early European maize inbreds: II. Comparison of Pedigree and RFLP data. Crop Sci. 33, 944-950
Melchinger, A.E., Messmer, M.M., Lee, M., Woodman, W.L., Lamkey, K.R (1991): Diversity and relationships among U.S. maize inbreds revealed by restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Crop Sci. 31, 669-678
Livini, C., Ajmone-Marsan, P., Melchinger, A.E., Messmer, M.M., Motto, M (1992): Genetic diversity of maize inbred lines within and among heterotic groups revealed by RFLPs. Theor. Appl. Genet. 84, 17-25
Ajmone-Marsan, P., Livini, C., Messmer, M.M., Melchinger, A.E., Motto, M (1992): Cluster analysis of RFLP data from related maize inbred lines of the BSSS and LSC heterotic groups and comparison with pedigree data. Euphytica 60, 139-148
Fähr, S., Messmer, M.M., Melchinger, A.E., Lee, M., Woodman, W.L (1993): Graphical genotype of maize inbred B86 revealed by RFLPs. Plant Breeding 110, 29-34
Melchinger, A.E., Graner, A., Singh, M., Messmer, M.M (1994): Relationships among European barley germplasm: I. Genetic diversity among winter and spring cultivars revealed by RFLPs. Crop Sci. 34, 1191-1199
Siedler, H., Messmer, M.M., Schachermayr, G.M., Winzeler, H., Winzeler, M., Keller, B (1994): Genetic diversity in European wheat and spelt breeding material based on RFLP data. Theor. Appl. Genet. 88, 994-1003.
Schachermayr, G.M., Messmer, M.M., Feuillet, C., Winzeler, H., Winzeler, M., Keller, B (1995): Identification of molecular markers linked to the Agropyron elongatum derived leaf rust resistance gene Lr24 in wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 90, 982-990.
Feuillet, C., Messmer, M., Schachermayr, G., and Keller, B. (1995): Genetic and physical characterization of the Lr1 leaf rust resistance locus in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Mol. Gen.Genet. 248, 553-562
Gallego F., Feuillet, C., Messmer, M., Penger A., Graner, A., Yano, M., Sasaki, T., Keller, B. (1998): Comparative mapping of the two wheat leaf rust resistance loci Lr1 and Lr10 in barley and rice. Genome 41, 328-336
Zuber, U., Winzeler, H., Messmer, M.M., Keller, M., Keller, B., Schmid, J.E., Stamp, P (1999): Morphologcal traits associatedwith lodging resistance in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science 182, 17-24
Messmer, M., Keller, M., Zanetti, S., Keller, B. (1999): Genetic linkage map of a wheat x spelt cross. Theor. Appl. Genet. 98, 1163-1170 Keller, M., Karutz, Ch., Schmid, J.E., Stamp, P., Winzeler, M., Keller, B.,
Messmer, M.M. (1999): Quantitative trait loci for lodging resistance in a segregating wheat x spelt cross. Theor. Appl. Genet. 98, 1171-1182
Keller, M., Keller, B., Schachermayr, G., Winzeler, M., Schmid, J.E., Stamp, P., Messmer, M.M. (1999): Quantitative trait loci for resistance against powdery mildew in a segregating wheat x spelt cross. Theor. Appl. Genet. 98, 903-912
Raps, A., Hilbeck, A., Bigler, F. Fried, P.M., Messmer, M. (1999): Konzept und praktische Lösungsansätze zur agronomischen Begleitforschung eines Anbaus transgener Nutzpflanzen. TA-Projekt Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft 1997-1999 Arbeitspapier 2/6, Fachstelle BATS (Biosicherheitsforschung und Abschätzung von Technikfolgen des Schwerpunktprogrammes Biotechnologie des Schweizerische Nationalfonds)
Wicki, W., Winzeler, M., Schmid, J.E., Stamp, P., Messmer, M. (1999): Inheritance of resistance to leaf and glume blotch caused by Septoria nodorum Berk. in winter wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 99, 1265-1272
Wicki, W., Messmer, M., Winzeler, M., Stamp, P., Schmid, J.E. (2000): In vitro screening for resistance against Septoraia nodorum blotch in wheat. Theor Appl. Genet 99,1273-1280.
Messmer, M.M., Seyfarth, R., Keller, M., Schachermayr, G., Winzeler, M., Zanetti, S., Feuillet, C., Keller, B. (2000): Genetic analysis of durable leaf rust resistance in winter wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 100, 419-431 Seyfarth, R., Feuillet, C., Schachermayr, G., Messmer, M., Winzeler, M.,
Keller, B. (2000): Molecular mapping of the adult-plant leaf rust resistance gene Lr 13 in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). J. Genet. & Breed. 54, 193 -198
Zanetti, S., Winzeler, M., Keller, M., Keller, B., M.Messmer (2000): Genetic analysis of pre-harvest sprouting resistance in wheat and spelt. Crop Sci. 40, 1406-1417
Zanetti, S., Winzeler, M., Feuillet, C., Keller, B., Messmer, M. (2001): Genetic analysis of bread-making quality in wheat and spelt. Plant Breeding 120, 13-19
Keller, B., Feuillet, C., Messmer, M. (2000): Genetics of Disease Resistance – Basic concepts and ist application in resistance breeding. In: Mechanisms of Resistance to Plant Diseases, A. Slusarenko, R. Fraser and K. van Loon (eds) Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands pp. 101-160
Messmer, M., Schneider, E., Stekly, G., Büter, B. (2002): Determination of the progenitors and the genetic stability of the artichoke cultivar Saluschoke using molecular markers. Journal of Herbs, Spices & medicinal plants 9, 177-182
Steck, N., Messmer, M., Schaffner, W., Berger-Büter, K. (2001): Molecular markers as a tool to verify sexual and apomictic of-spring of intraspecific crosses in Hypericum perforatum. Planta Medica 67, 384 -385 Burgos, St., Messmer, M.M., Stamp, P., Schmid, J.E. (2001): Flooding tolerance of spelt (Triticum spelta L.) compared to wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) – A physiological and genetic approach. Euphytica 122, 287-295
Feil, B., Seyfarth, R., Orlacchio, C., Messmer, M., Kade, P., Meier, B., Büter, B. (2002): Developlent and yield of field-grown Vitex agnus-castus accessions in Italy. Zeitsch. Arznei- & Gewürzpflanzen 7, 363-367
Paillard, S., Schnurbusch, T., Winzeler, M., Messmer, M., Sourdille, P., Abderhalden, O., Keller, B., Schachermayr, G. (2003): An integrarive genetic linkage map of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Theor. Appl. Genet. 107, 1235-1242
Schnurbusch, T., Paillard, S. Fossati, D., Messmer, M., Schachermayr, G., Winzeler, M., Keller, B. (2003): Dissecting quantitative and durable Stagonospora glume blotch resistance in Swiss winter wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 107, 1226-1234
Schnurbusch, T., Bossolinie, E., Messmer, M., Keller, B. (2004): Tagging and validation of a major quantitative trait locus for leaf rust resistance and leaf tip necrosis in winter wheat cultivar Forno. Phytopathology 94, 1036-1041
Paillard, S., Schnurbusch, T., Tiwari, R., Messmer, M., Winzeler, M., Keller, B., Schachermayr, G. (2004): QTL analysis of resistnace to Fusarium head blight in Swiss winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Theor. Appl. Genet. 109, 323-332
Schnurbusch, T., Paillard, S., Schori, A., Messmer, M., Schachermayr, G., Winzeler, M., Keller, B. (2004): Dissection of quantitative and durable leaf rust resistance in Swiss winter wheat reveals a major QTL in the Lr34 chromosomal region. Theor. Appl. Genet. 108, 477-484 Aguilar, V., Stamp, P., Winzeler, M., Winzeler, H., Schachermayr, G., Keller,
B., Zanetti, S., Messmer, M.M. (2005): Inheritance of field resistance to Stagonospora nodorum leaf and glume blotch and correlations with other morphological traits in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theor. Appl. Genet. 11, 325-336