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Benefits of organic breeding: taking stock and raising awareness


The main goal of BENEFITS.BIOBREEDING is to evaluate, communicate, and raise awareness for the full range of benefits of organic breeding based on three focus cases. The three focus cases are:

  1. Organic variety (OV) by Bingenheimer Saatgut; Crop: Beetroot; Product: Beetroot juice; Value chain region: Baden-Württemberg (Germany)
  2. Organic heterogeneous material (OHM) by Rete Semi Rurali; Crop: Wheat; Product: Bread; Value chain region: Tuscany (Italy)
  3. Local landrace / heirloom cultivar (LR) by Pro Specie Rara; Crop: to be selected (vegetable with tradition of cultivation in the target region); Product: raw/ unprocessed vegetable; Value chain region: Romandie (Switzerland)

In all three cases we will (1) co-develop communication narratives based on expert knowledge and the evaluation of organic breeding benefits (2) that are then tested with a broader audience of organic consumers and (3) finally used as the basis for different outreach activities in the wider public.

Financing/ Donor
  • Fondation Salvia
(Research) Program
  • Further programmes
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
Role of FiBL

Project manager

FiBL project number 35269
Date modified 07.03.2024