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Focus on black-eyed peas: the grain legume for future climate strategies

Original titleDie Augenbohne – eine vernachlässigte Körnerleguminose für zukünftige Klimastrategien

The overall goal of the "AugenBlick" project is to introduce cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L.) in Switzerland as an adaptation strategy to climate change.

This tasty legume provides valuable protein for both human consumption and animal feed production. Particularly important in organic farming is its ability to fix nitrogen in the soil through symbiosis with specialised bacteria, contributing to nutrient availability and improving soil fertility.

Compared to other legumes, the cowpea is highly heat- and drought-tolerant, making it an attractive and well-adapted crop for future climatic conditions. Additionally, it blooms later than peas and other grain legumes, providing an important food source for insects.

These beneficial characteristics, along with the growing demand for locally produced plant-based protein, support the increased integration of legumes into crop rotations. To enhance the resilience of Swiss agriculture, diversification and the expansion of grain legume cultivation are also necessary.

The cultivation of cowpeas in Switzerland has been scarcely researched so far. Therefore, the focus is on assessing their suitability for cultivation and identifying site-adapted, climate-resilient, and resource-efficient cowpea varieties for Switzerland. In a participatory approach, working closely from the outset with stakeholders along the value chain, the project pursues the following objectives:

  • Variety trials and on-farm intercropping trials in different regions of Switzerland
  • Assessment of market potential for human consumption
  • Increasing awareness of the cowpea
(Research) Program
  • Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) – Research, training and innovation
Project partners
  • School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences (HAFL), Switzerland
  • Getreidezüchtung Peter Kunz (gzpk), Switzerland
  • Rinderbrunnen farm, Switzerland
  • Ferme du Joran, Switzerland
  • Biofarm, Switzerland
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
Role of FiBL

Project manager

FiBL project number 25159
Date modified 06.03.2025