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Maike Krauss

Affiliation / Function

Activity areas

  • Strip cropping
  • Conservation tillage
  • Weed control
  • Soil quality
  • Greenhouse gas emissions


ongoing CHEU Improving yields in organic cropping systems (OrganicYieldsUP) 01.02.2024 31.01.2028
ongoing CH Impact assessment of mechanical weed control on the environment and yields (Hackfolgen) 01.01.2023 31.12.2026
ongoing CH Strategies for the adaptation of arable farming systems to climate change and their contribution to climate protection in the Upper Rhine region (KLIMACrops) 01.10.2022 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Strip cropping – New ways to control pests and diseases in organic farming (Streifenanbau) 01.07.2022 30.06.2026
ongoing CH Long-term monitoring of soil-optimized cultivation Plantahof 01.03.2022 31.12.2032
ongoing CH Regulation of Cyperus esculentus sp. in organic farming 01.01.2022 31.12.2025
completed CH Potential of Plantago sp. to reduce N2O emissions 01.01.2021 31.12.2022
completed CH Klimawirkung von Recyclingdüngern und Pflanzenkohle: Emissionen von Lachgas, Methan und Ammoniak in einem Feldversuch 12.03.2018 30.06.2022
completed CH SOCORT – Kohlenstoffsequestrierung durch reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung im Biolandbau (SOCORT/SOCORT2) 01.10.2017 31.12.2019
completed CH Diversification through Rotation, Intercropping, Multiple Cropping, Promoted by Actors and Value Chains towards Sustainability (DiverIMPACTS) 01.05.2017 30.04.2022
completed CH Solutions for improving Agroecosystem and Crop Efficiency for water and nutrient use (SolACE) 01.05.2017 30.09.2022
completed CH Optimal use of recycled fertiliser in organic farming: impact on yields and nitrogen efficiency (Recycle4Bio) 01.05.2017 31.07.2021
completed CH Introduction of "Precision farming" into Swiss organic farming 01.01.2017 31.12.2020
completed CH Fertility Building Management Measures in Organic Cropping Systems (FertilCrop) 01.01.2015 31.12.2017
completed CH Soil and climate friendly crop production in organic farming (COOP BKBA) 01.01.2012 31.12.2016
completed CH Reduced tillage and Green Manures for Sustainable Organic Cropping Systems (TILMAN-ORG) 01.09.2011 31.08.2014

Training / professional career

  • Since 2012 Employee at FiBL Switzerland
  • Since 2022 Co-Group Leader
  • 2020 - 2022 Senior Scientist
  • 2015 - 2019 Junior Scientist
  • 2012 - 2015 PhD candiate


  • HAFL, Zollikofen (since 2015): Guest lectures 


Publications in the Organic Eprints archive