The societal demand for sustainable and productive crop production in the face of increasing weather extremes is putting a lot of pressure on farms. Organic farming without ploughing offers a lot of potential here, but must be optimised in terms of weed control and nitrogen (N) availability in order to be attractive for organic, IP (integrated production) and ÖLN (ecological performance record) practice.
The aim of the project is to investigate whether the N nutrition of the plants and the weed control can be efficiently controlled with hoeing, even with reduced fertiliser inputs, and whether the humus decomposition stimulated in the process remains at an acceptable level. In a 12-year long-term trial on reduced tillage and fertilisation, different hoeing intensities are additionally integrated in the project in the crops silage maize and winter wheat. The experimental and practical data help to optimise the sustainability of crop production in the area of pesticide and fertiliser reduction, as well as adaptation to climate change.
Project management