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Susanne Kummer

Affiliation / Function

Activity areas

  • Sustainability assessment


ongoing AT Evaluation of the contribution of the Austrian CAP strategic plan to achieving the organic goals according to the Austrian Organic Action Program 2023+ 01.01.2025 31.12.2025
ongoing AT Establishing a networking center for research on organic farming in Austria 15.07.2024 31.01.2026
ongoing AT benefit 23+: Assessment of regional sustainability effects along food value chains in Austria (Regio23+) 01.01.2023 07.07.2025
completed AT Kultivierung alternativer Eiweißquellen in rauen Lagen Österreichs am Beispiel Mühlviertel 01.02.2022 31.01.2025
completed AT "The Viennese Succession" 01.01.2022 31.12.2023
completed AT Market gardening - innovation to strengthen the Austrian supply of fresh vegetables 01.01.2022 31.12.2024
completed AT "Zukunft Bio 2030": Implementation of selected measures to strengthen organic agriculture in Austria (Zukunft Bio 2030) 13.12.2021 30.11.2022
completed AT The potential of sustainability innovations within the Austria food system 01.09.2021 30.04.2022
completed AT Strengthening organic agriculture in Austria until 2030. Study on success factors and options for action (BIO 2030) 28.06.2020 30.11.2020
completed AT Assessment of socio-economic and ecological effects of regional food value chains in Austria (Regio20+) 01.02.2020 31.03.2022
completed AT Bioland Burgenland: Machbarkeitsstudie und Umsetzungsbegleitung zur Steigerung der Bio-Quote im Burgenland 01.05.2019 30.04.2020
completed AT Grüne Seestadt - Lernen für die essbare Stadt der Zukunft (Essbare Seestadt) 02.07.2018 01.01.2021
completed AT Öffentliche Beschaffung als Motor für die Bio-Landwirtschaft in Österreich 01.03.2018 30.04.2018
completed AT AMA-Partnership Award für die Lebensmittelwertschöpfungskette 01.05.2017 01.03.2018


Publications in the Organic Eprints archive

Publications that are not in the Organic Eprints archive

  • Kummer, Susanne; Milestad, Rebecka (2020): The Diversity of Organic Box Schemes in Europe. An Exploratory Study in Four Countries. Sustainability, 12, pp 2734.
  • Kummer, Susanne; Petrasek, Richard; Bartel-Kratochvil, Ruth (2020): Ein kleines Land hat Großes vor. Vision 100% Bio – Beispiel Burgenland. Ökologie & Landbau 01/2020, S. 32-33.
  • Kummer, Susanne; Bartel-Kratochvil, Ruth (2019): Was macht gelungene Partnerschaften in Lebensmittel-Wertschöpfungsketten aus? In Grötzer et al.: Perspektiven wertebasierter Wertschöpfungsketten. 29. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie, Universität Innsbruck, S. 117.
  • Kummer, S.; Bartel-Kratochvil, R. (2018): Defining criteria and indicators to assess partnerships along food value chains. In: Dynamic developments in Organic Research. 6th ICOAS conference, 7-9 Nov 2018, oral presentation. Eisenstadt, Austria.
  • Ostrom, Marcia; Kjeldsen, Chris; Kummer, Susanne; Milestad, Rebecka; Schermer, Markus (2017): What’s Going into the Box? An Inquiry into the Social and Ecological Embeddedness of Large-scale EU and US Box Schemes. Int. Jrnl. of Soc. of Agr. & Food, 24(1), pp. 113–134.
  • Milestad, R.; Kummer, S.; Hirner, P. (2017): Does scale matter? Investigating the growth of a local organic box scheme in Austria. Journal of Rural Studies 54(2017):304-313.