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"Zukunft Bio 2030": Implementation of selected measures to strengthen organic agriculture in Austria

Original title"Zukunft Bio 2030": Umsetzung von ausgewählten Maßnahmen zur Stärkung der biologischen Landwirtschaft in Österreich

The promotion of organic farming has positive effects on various overarching goals of the Austrian federal government with regard to sustainability, regionality, climate protection, biodiversity promotion, environmental and soil protection, and sustainable animal husbandry. Organic farming also plays a pioneering role at EU level for the urgently needed greening of agriculture and food production (see "Farm to Fork" strategy).

The BMLRT has commissioned FiBL Austria to formulate proposals for concrete measures for the further development of organic agriculture in Austria until 2030. Of the 52 measures identified in the study "Strengthening Organic Agriculture in Austria by 2030" (Kummer et al., 2021), a total of four measures are now to be implemented or at least designed to the extent that they can be implemented in the next step. Accompanying the Organic Action Program 2023 (Bio-Aktionsprogramm 2023), successes can be made visible in this way for the further promotion of organic production.

Financing/ Donor
  • Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Agriculture, Regions and Tourism
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
  • Bartel-Kratochvil Ruth (Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung)
  • Fičala Andrea (Sustainable Food Systems)
  • Klingbacher Elisabeth (Sustainable Food Systems)
  • Kranzler Andreas (Executive Committee; Crop production and vegetable growing)
  • Leitgeb Friedrich (Sustainability assessment; Crop production and vegetable growing)
  • Petrasek Richard (Sustainability assessment)
  • Theiß Elisabeth (Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung; Climate protection)
(people who are not linked are former FiBL employees)
Group/ Work area/ Location
Date modified 23.01.2023