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Martina Bozzola

Affiliation / Function

Activity areas

  • Agricultural economics and policy (decision making under risk, technology adoption, food and nutrition security)
  • Climate change economics (climate change adaptation and mitigation in the agri-food sector)
  • Sustainable value chains (focus on the agri-food sector)
  • Applied Econometrics

Training / professional career

  • Since 2024 Head of the Department of Food System Sciences, FiBL Switzerland
  • 2018 - 2024 Associate Professor, Economics of Agriculture, Food & Health, Queen’s University Belfast (QUB), United Kingdom
  • 2022 - 2024 Senior Sustainability Advisor, International Trade Centre (UN/WTO), Geneva, Switzerland
  • 2019 - 2023 Senior Research Associate, Agricultural & Resource Economics, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Wädenswil, Switzerland
  • 2016 - 2017 Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Lecturer, Agricultural Economics & Policy Group, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • 2015 - 2016 Max Weber Fellow (Environmental Economics), European University Institute, Florence, Italy
  • 2014 - 2015 Environmental Economist, International Trade Centre (UN/WTO), Geneva, Switzerland
  • 2010 - 2014 PhD in International Economics, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID), Geneva, Switzerland

Committee work / further activities

Scientific Committee Memberships

  • 2024 - 2025: Scientific Committee Member, 2025 European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) Congress
  • 2019 - 2020: Scientific Committee Member, Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AIEAA) Annual Conference - Mediterranean Agriculture Facing Climate Change: Challenges and Policies
  • 2019: International Scientific Committee Member, Seminar of the EAAE - Measuring and Evaluating Farm Income and Well-being of Farm Families in Europe: Towards a Shared and Broader Approach for Analysis and Policy Design


  • European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE)
  • European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE)
  • Swiss Society for Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology (SGA)
  • Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AIEAA)
  • Animal Welfare Research Network (AWRN)

Editorial Board Memberships

  • European Review of Agricultural Economics
  • Agriculture & Food Security
  • Bio-based and Applied Economics
  • Agribusiness: An International Journal (2019 - 2023)
  • Italian Economic Journal (2017 - 2022)

Doctoral Advisory Committee - External Examiner

  • 2024: Trento University (Italy), Department of Economics and Management
  • 2024: University of Antwerp (Belgium), Environmental Economics Chair, Department of Engineering Management
  • 2024: Tuscia University (Italy), Department of Agriculture and Forest Sciences
  • 2020 - 2024: Ghent University (The Netherlands), Faculty of Bioscience Engineering
  • 2020 and 2022: ETH Zurich (Switzerland), Agricultural Economics & Policy
  • 2022: Pavia University (Italy), Department of Economics and Management
  • 2022: Milan University (Italy), Department of Environmental Science and Policy


  • Queen’s University Belfast (2018 - 2024): Environmental Management Dissertation (BSc)
  • Queen’s University Belfast (2018 - 2021): Introduction to Environmental Economics (BSc)
  • Zurich University of Applied Sciences (2019 - 2021): Environmental and Resource Economics (MSc) & The Economics of Climate Change
  • University of Foggia - Summer School Econometrics in Agricultural Sciences: Panel Data Models and Spatial Econometrics (Master and PhD)
  • Geneva University (2016 - 2019): Environmental and Resource Economics (BSc and MSc)
  • Geneva University (2015 - 2016): Development Economics (BSc and MSc)
  • ETH Zurich (2016 - 2017): Agricultural Systems in Developing Countries (Lectures within the course 'Agrarökonomie im World Food System', BSc)


  • 2023 and 2018: Best Referee of the European Review of Agricultural Economics Award (European Agricultural and Applied Economics Publications Foundation)
  • 2019: Fellowship (Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom)
  • 2017: Best Contributed Paper Award (Annual Conference of the European Association of Agricultural Economists)
  • 2014: Outstanding Presentation of Research Award (EAERE-FEEM-VIU European Summer School on the Economics of Adaptation to Climate Change)


Publications in the Organic Eprints archive

Publications that are not in the Organic Eprints archive

  • Bozzola, M., E. Lamonaca, F. G. Santeramo (2024) “A new dataset on climate distance for trade analyses” Data in Brief. Forthcoming.
  • Ting, E., M. Bozzola, C. Ravetti (2024) “Tuberculosis and labour market participation: evidence from South Africa” South African Journal of Economics. Forthcoming.
  • Lamonaca, E., M. Bozzola, F. G. Santeramo (2024) “Climate distance and bilateral trade” Economics Letters, [111624]
  • Ravetti, C., M. Bozzola, A. Bruederle (2024) “From climatic to international shocks:  Where does the evidence stand on income changes and child labor” Review of Development Economics, Forthcoming.
  • Zabel, A., R. Bokusheva, M. Bozzola (2024) “Dealing with negative monetary ecosystem services values in environmental and economic accounting” Ecosystem Services, 66, [101602].
  • McLaughlin S. M., M. Bozzola, A. Nugent (2023) “Changing Climate, Changing Food Consumption? Impact of Weather Shocks on Nutrition in Malawi”. The Journal of Development Studies.
  • Bozzola M., E. Lamonaca, F. G. Santeramo (2023) “Impacts of climate change on global agri-food trade”. Ecological Indicators, 154 [110680].
  • Cerroni S., M. Bozzola, R. Rippo (2023) “Eliciting Farmers’ Risk and Uncertainty Preferences Using Contextualized Field Experiments in Developing Countries: A Pilot Study” Chapter in:  “Managing Risk in Agriculture: A Development Perspective” p. 85-100 CABI Digital Library
  • Bozzola M. and N. Seo (2022) “An Analysis of the Behavioral Economics of the Green Climate Fund”. Chapter 16 in: "Handbook of Behavioural Economics and Climate Change." Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Bozzola M. and S. Cerroni (2022) “Farmers’ acceptability of carbon offset programs in agriculture””. Chapter 14 in: "Handbook of Behavioural Economics and Climate Change." Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Koppenberg, M., M. Bozzola, T. Dalhaus, S. Hirsch (2021) “Mapping potential implications of temporary COVID-19 export bans for the food supply in importing countries using precrisis trade flows”. Agribusiness, 37(1), 25-43. This article received in 04/2022 the WILEY Publisher Award for “Top downloaded papers” for being one of the most read in Agribusiness.
  • Bozzola, M., S. Charles, T. Ferretti, E. Gerakari, H. Manson, N. Rosser, P. von der Goltz (2021). The Coffee Guide. International Trade Centre, Geneva, Switzerland. 327p.
  • Bozzola, M., and M. Smale (2020) “The welfare effects of crop biodiversity as an adaptation to climate shocks in Kenya” World Development 135, 105065
  • Bozzola, M., and R. Finger (2020) “Time variant risk preferences in agriculture: Evidences from Italy” European Review of Agricultural Economics 48(3), 477–501 doi:10.1093/erae/jbaa021
  • Möhring N., M. Bozzola, S. Hirsch and R. Finger (2020) “Are pesticides risk decreasing? The relevance of pesticide indicator choice in empirical analysis” Agricultural Economics 51, 429-444.
  • Iyer, P., M. Bozzola*, S. Hirsch, M. Meraner, R. Finger (2020) “Measuring Farmer Risk Preferences in Europe:  A Systematic Review” Journal of Agricultural Economics 71:3-26. This article received in 04/2020 the WILEY Publisher Award for “Top downloaded papers” for being one of the most read in the Journal of Agricultural Economics.
  • Bozzola, M., E. Massetti, R. Mendelsohn and F. Capitanio (2018) “A Ricardian Analysis of the Impact of Climate Change on Italian Agriculture.” European Review of Agricultural Economics 45 (1), 57-79.
  • Bozzola, M., M. Smale and S. Di Falco (2018) “Maize Intensification among Smallholder Farmers in Kenya: Understanding the Impacts of Climate”. Book Chapter in: "Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change in Africa: Food Security in a Changing Environment." RFF Press/Routledge, London and New York.
  • Hanley, N., O. Sheremetd, M. Bozzola and D. MacMillan (2017) “The Allure of the Illegal: a choice modelling approach to understanding rhino horn consumption in Vietnam” Conservation Letters 11(3), 1-8.
  • Bozzola, M. and C. Ravetti (2017) “Gli impatti dei cambiamenti climatici sul valore dei terreni agricoli in Italia: modelli Ricardiani a confronto” AgriregioniEuropa 49
  • Bozzola, M. and T. Swanson (2014) “Policy implications of climate variability on agriculture: Water management in the Po river basin, Italy.” Environmental Science & Policy 43, 26–38.
  • Di Falco S., F. Adinolfi, M. Bozzola, F. Capitanio (2014) “Crop Insurance as a Strategy to Adapt to Climate Change.” Journal of Agricultural Economics 65 (2), 485–504.