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Anet Spengler Neff

Affiliation / Function

Activity areas

  • Constitution and behaviour
  • Dairy cow breeding
  • Ruminant husbandry and slaughter


ongoing CH Courses for specialist practitioner 01.03.2025 01.03.2028
ongoing CH Networking and advice on-farm slaughter 01.07.2024 30.06.2026
ongoing CH Exercise and pasture for healthy calves 01.04.2024 01.04.2025
ongoing CHFR Lambs from dairy sheep 01.01.2024 31.12.2026
ongoing CH Poultry slaughter - stress reduction from depopulation to death 01.01.2024 31.12.2027
ongoing CH Milk quality in Cow-calf contact systems 01.01.2024 31.12.2026
ongoing CH EU Organic Farming Regulation vs. Bio Suisse legislations 01.11.2023 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Conditioning of cattle on the farm for stress reduction from birth to slaughter (Konditionierung Schlachthof) 01.04.2023 01.04.2025
completed CH Low stress slaughter – influence of on farm killing on behaviour, stress physiology and meat quality of cattle 01.10.2022 31.12.2024
ongoing CH On-farm slaughter of pigs and small ruminants (hosk) 01.06.2022 01.06.2025
completed CH Animal ethics 07.04.2020 31.12.2022
ongoing CH Increasing longevity of Swiss dairy cows: factors, future scenarios and strategy development 01.04.2020 31.03.2025
completed CHEU Engagement of the organic value chain to support Organic Breeding in Europe (ENGAGEMENT.BIOBREEDING EUROPE) 01.09.2019 31.08.2022
ongoing CH Development of organic dairy cattle breeding ("Bio-Semen-Straws") (Bio-KB-Stiere) 01.04.2019 31.12.2026
completed CH ProYoungStock- Promoting young stock and cow health and welfare by natural feeding systems (ProYoungStock) 01.04.2018 30.09.2021
completed CH Erhaltung der dunklen Bienen durch eine extensive bienengemässe Bioimkerei (Projekt Dunkle Bienen) 01.01.2018 31.12.2021
completed CH GenTORE - Genomic management tools to optimize resilience and efficiency (GenTORE) 01.08.2017 31.07.2022
completed CH Calf feeding with minimized concentrates 01.07.2017 31.12.2024
completed CH Wissensaufbau und -vermittlung im Bereich Mutter- und Ammengebundene Kälberaufzucht 01.04.2017 31.12.2019
completed CH Improving animal health and welfare in organic cattle milk production through breeding and management (OrganicDairyHealth) 15.01.2015 30.06.2018
ongoing CH Lectures biodynamic school Rheinau 01.01.2015
ongoing CH Ram pasture 01.01.2014
completed CH Lehrmittel für den Unterricht an Berufsfachschulen (Schwerpunkt Biolandbau) 01.10.2013 30.09.2015
completed CH Learning for the future: Biodiversity and climate change in the context of agriculture (LERNfeld) 01.10.2013 30.09.2016
completed CH Grassland-based milk production: development of assessment instruments and management options for dairy cattle nutrition with reduced concentrate inputs (Grasmilch) 01.06.2013 31.10.2015
completed CH Erforschung von Merkmalen der effizienten Raufutterkuh mit Hilfe von Fress- und Wiederkäusensoren (Rumiwatch) 01.04.2013 31.10.2015
ongoing CH Mother-bonded and fostered calf rearing (MAgKa) 01.10.2011
completed CH Strukturierung der freien Liegefläche in Laufställen mit behornten Milchkühen 01.10.2010 31.12.2012
completed CH Site-appropriate husbandry with kin breeding in cows (Kuhfamilienzucht) 01.01.2010 31.12.2014
completed CH Development of integrated livestock breeding and management strategies to improve animal health, product quality and performance in European organic and 'low input' milk, meat and egg production (LOWINPUTBREEDS) 01.05.2009 30.04.2014
ongoing CH Transport and slaughter – improved cattle handling 01.09.2008
ongoing CH Beratung für die Haltung von horntragenden Kühen in Laufställen 01.01.2008
completed CH Berücksichtigung der Gesundheit in der Rindviehzucht 01.09.2007 28.02.2009
completed CH Standort- und betriebsgerechte Bio-Milchviehzucht im Kanton Graubünden (Biozucht Graubünden) 01.01.2007 31.12.2010
completed CH Konstitution und Tiergesundheit 01.01.2007 31.12.2009
ongoing CH Standortgerechte Tierzucht (Bio-Milchviehzucht Umsetzung) 01.01.2006
completed CH Body Condition Scoring (BCS) als Werkzeug der Fütterungskontrolle im Biobetrieb (BCS) 01.01.2005 31.12.2007
completed CH Stand und Entwicklung der Bio-Rindviehzucht 01.09.2004 31.05.2006
completed CH Genotyp x Umwelt Interaktionen und nachhaltige Zuchtstrategien (ÖKUH) 01.05.2004 31.12.2006
completed CH Development of an ecological total breeding value (ÖZW) 01.10.2001 31.10.2007
completed CH Berücksichtigung der Gesundheit in der Rindviehzucht 01.01.2000 31.12.2004
ongoing CH Biologisch-dynamische Rindviehzucht: Grundlagen und Praxisgruppen (Biodynamische Austauschrunden) 01.01.1992
completed CH Umsetzung: Standortgerechte Zucht im Alpenraum

Training / professional career

  • Since 2001 at FiBL in research and teaching on animal husbandry and breeding
  • 2011 PhD thesis at the University of Kassel: "New approaches for organic dairy cattle"
  • 1999 - 2001 Assistant at the Research Institute for Vital quality fiv
  • 1991 - 1999 Associate in teaching and organization of specialized training for biodynamic agriculture of Switzerland
  • 1990 Internship in Bauer Secretariat of the canton Schwyz
  • 1983 - 1989 Study of Agriculture, Department of Animal Sciences at the ETH Zurich
  • 1989 Acquisition of proficiency certificate for teaching at the Agricultural Vocational and Technical Schools
  • 1985/86 Rural year of training on the operation biodynamic La Branche, Mollie Margot, VD
  • CV Anet Spengler Neff


  • ZHAW, Wädenswil and Biodynamic education Switzerland (since 2010): animal husbandary, animal health, animal breeding


Publications in the Organic Eprints archive