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Stéphane Saj

Activity areas

  • Functioning and design of agroforestry systems
  • Agronomy and soil sciences
  • Functional ecology and nature conservation
  • Economy at farm level
  • Food security

Training / professional career

  • Since 2023 Scientific collaborator at FiBL Switzerland
  • 2021 - 2023 Deputy liaison officer for the cacao sector, CIRAD, Montpellier, France
  • 2019 - 2023 Head of the Tropical Agroforestry Systems team of UMR ABSys, CIRAD, Montpellier, France
  • 2012 - 2023 Scientist at CIRAD, Montpellier, France
  • 2008 - 2012 Associate professor, UniLasalle, Beauvais and JUNIA, Lille, France
  • 2005 - 2008 PhD in Environmental Ecology, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • 1999 - 2002 MSc in Agronomy and Crop Production, ENESAD, Dijon, France

Committee work / further activities

  • Member of the scientific board of Armeflhor


  • 2008 - 2012 Plant Physiology and Cropping at UniLaSalle and JUNIA, France


Publications in the Organic Eprints archive

Publications that are not in the Organic Eprints archive

Peer-reviewed international publications:

  • Rafflegeau, S., Gosme, M., Barkaoui, K., Garcia, L., Allinne, C., Deheuvels, O., Grimaldi, J., Jagoret, P., Lauri, P.-É., Merot, A., Metay, A., Reyes, F., Saj, S., Curry, G. N., & Justes, E. (2023). The ESSU concept for designing, modeling and auditing ecosystem service provision in intercropping and agroforestry systems. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43(4), Article 4.
  • Somarriba, E., Saj, S., Orozco-Aguilar, L., Somarriba, A., & Rapidel, B. (2023). Shade canopy density variables in cocoa and coffee agroforestry systems. Agroforestry Systems.
  • Saj S, Jagoret P, Todem-Ngogue H, Tixier P. 2023. Effect of neighbouring perennials on pod production of cocoa trees in complex agroforestry systems from Cameroon. European Journal of Agronomy, 146, 126810. 
  • Saj S, Heck L., Decayeux E. 2022. Viabilité de la culture du cacaoyer en Guyane française – approche par simulation. Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ. 26(1), 55-67. 
  • Sauvadet M., …, Saj S, Becquer T., Tixier P., Harmand, J.M.2021. Impacts of legumes and plant diversification on soil fertility depend on soil type in tropical agroecosystems. Science of the Total Environment,795, 148934. 
  • Saj S, Nijmeijer A, Essobo-Nieboukaho J-D, Lauri P-É, Harmand J-M. 2021. Litterfall and leaf litter decomposition in cocoa agroforests established on past forest lands or savannah. Submitted to AgroForestry Systems. 
  • Mérot A., Belhouchette H., Saj S., Wery J. 2020. Implementing organic farming in vineyards. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 44 (2): p. 164-187. 
  • Sauvadet M., Saj S., Freschet G.T., Essobo Nieboukaho J.D., Enock S., Becquer T., Tixier P., Harmand J.M. 2020. Cocoa agroforest multifunctionality and soil fertility explained by shade tree litter traits. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57 (3): p. 476-487. 
  •  Nijmeijer A., Lauri P.E., Harmand J.M., Freschet G.T., Essobo Nieboukaho J.D., Kenfack Fogang P., Enock S., Saj S. 2019. Long-term dynamics of cocoa agroforestry systems established on lands previously occupied by savannah or forests. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 275: p. 100-111. 
  • Nijmeijer A., Lauri P.E., Harmand J.M., Saj S. 2019. Carbon dynamics in cocoa agroforestry systems in Central Cameroon: afforestation of savannah as a sequestration opportunity. AgroForestry Systems, 93 (3): p. 851-868. 
  • Jagoret P., Snoeck D., Bouambi E., Ngnogue H.T., Nyassé S., Saj S. 2018. Rehabilitation practices that shape cocoa agroforestry systems in Central Cameroon: key management strategies for long-term exploitation. AgroForestry Systems, 92 (5): p. 1185-1199.
  • Andreotti F., Mao Z., Jagoret P., Speelman E.N., Gary C., Saj S. 2018. Exploring management strategies to enhance the provision of ecosystem services in complex smallholder agroforestry systems. Ecological Indicators, 94 (1): p. 257-265. 
  • Mortimer R., Saj S., David C. 2018. Supporting and regulating ecosystem services in cacao agroforestry systems. AgroForestry Systems, 92 (6): p. 1639-1657. 
  • Saj S., Torquebiau E., Hainzelin E., Pagès J., Maraux F. 2017. The way forward: An agroecological perspective for Climate-Smart Agriculture. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 250: p. 20-24. 
  • Saj S., Durot C., Mvondo Sakouma K., Tayo Gamo K., Avana-Tientcheu M.L. 2017. Contribution of associated trees to long-term species conservation, carbon storage and sustainability: A functional analysis of tree communities in cacao plantations of Central Cameroon. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 15 (3): p. 282-302. 
  • Saj S., Jagoret P., Essola Etoa L., Fonkeng E.E., Ngala Tarla J., Essobo Nieboukaho J.D., Mvondo Sakouma K. 2017. Lessons learned from the long-term analysis of cacao yield and stand structure in central Cameroonian agroforestry systems. Agricultural Systems, 156: p. 95-104. 
  • Saj S., Jagoret P., Todem H. 2013. Carbon storage and density dynamics of associated trees in three contrasting Theobroma cacao agroforests of Central Cameroon. AgroForestry Systems, 87 (6): p. 1309-1320. 
  • Mikola, J & Saj, S. 2012. Impacts of trace amounts of labile C on plant N limitation vary from hour to week timescales. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 48, p. 851–857. 
  • Djigal, D., Saj, S., Rabary, B., Blanchart, E., Villenave, C. 2012. Mulch type affects soil biological functioning and crop yield of conservation agriculture systems in a long-term experiment in Madagascar. Soil and Tillage Research, 118, p.11-21: 
  • Villenave C., Saj S., Attard E., Klumpp K., Le Roux X. 2011. Grassland management history affects the response of the nematode community to changes in above-ground grazing regime. Nematology, 13 (8): p. 995-1008. 
  • Villenave C., Saj S., Pablo A.L., Sall S., Djigal D., Chotte J.L., Bonzi M. 2010. Influence of long-term organic and mineral fertilization on soil nematofauna when growing Sorghum bicolor in Burkina Faso. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 46 (7): p. 659-670. 
  • Ladygina N., Henry F., Kant M.R., Koller R., Reidinger S., Rodriguez A., Saj S., Sonnemann I., Witt C., Wurst S. 2010. Additive and interactive effects of functionally dissimilar soil organisms on a grassland plant community. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 42: p. 2266-2275. 
  • Saj S., Mikola J., Ekelund F. 2009. Species-specific effects of live roots and shoot litter on soil decomposer abundances do not forecast plant litter-nitrogen uptake. Oecologia, 161 (2): p. 331-341. 
  • Ekelund F., Saj S., Vestergard M., Bertaux J., Mikola J. 2009. The "soil microbial loop" is not always needed to explain protozoan stimulation of plants. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41: p. 2336-2342. 
  • Saj S., Mikola J., Ekelund F. 2008. Legume defoliation affects rhizosphere decomposers, but not the uptake of organic matter N by a neighbouring grass. Plant and Soil, 311 (1) : p. 141-149. 
  • Saj S., Mikola J., Ekelund F. 2007. Root-induced decomposer growth and plant N uptake are not positively associated among a set of grassland plants. Applied Soil Ecology, 37: p. 215-222. 

Technical/applied publications:

  • Forestier-Chiron N., Doaré F., Mazardin A., Maraval I., Saj S. 2022. Du cacao marchand au chocolat. Les étapes de transformation et leurs impacts sur les caractéristiques organoleptiques du chocolat. Projet C2G2. Montpellier: CIRAD-PERSYST, 23p. 
  • Durand N., Mazardin A., Doaré F., Saj S. 2022. Le cacao : de la cabosse aux fèves fermentées et séchées. Retour d'expérience de récolte sur cacaoyers guiana en Guyane Française (année 2021). Projet C2G2. Montpellier: CIRAD-PERSYST-UMR ABSys, 44 p. 
  • Saj S., Decayeux E. 2021. Identification des manques nutritionnels observés sur jeunes cacaoyers en Guyane. Mini-guide des symptômes foliaires. Projet C2G2. Montpellier: CIRAD-PERSYST-UMR ABSys, 22 p. 
  • Saj S., Decayeux E. 2021. Taille de formation et d’entretien des cacaoyers. Guide imagé à destinations des agriculteurs et techniciens de l’agriculture Outre-Mer. Projet C2G2. Montpellier: CIRAD-PERSYST-UMR ABSys, 66 p. 
  • Saj S., Decayeux E. 2020. Fiches technico-économiques prospectives sur la culture du cacaoyer en Guyane. Cas d’un système sous ombrage forestier et cas d’une association avec bananiers et sucrins. Projet C2G2. 12 p. web link.