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Toralf Richter

Affiliation / Function

Activity areas

  • Ukraine
  • Market coordination of arable crops
  • Market development


completed CH External Project Evaluation Transformative Land Investment for SDC (TLI Evaluation) 01.07.2024 31.01.2025
ongoing CH Empowering Rural Economies in Agriculture in Kosovo (EREA Kosovo) 01.02.2024 31.12.2026
completed CH Agricultural Policy Dialogue Germany – Southeast Europe (APD West Balkan) 01.01.2024 31.12.2024
ongoing CH Quality Food Trade Program in Ukraine, Phase II (QFTP) 01.07.2023 30.06.2026
completed CH Support to Agroecological Transformation processes in India (SuATI India) 01.05.2023 31.12.2024
completed CH Study of the impacts of the new EU Organic Regulation 2018/848 on smallholder value chains and the EU organic market 01.04.2023 31.10.2024
completed CH Evaluation VEGI Mongolia (Eval VEGI Mongolia) 15.12.2022 30.06.2023
completed CH Needs Assessment workshop for the establishment of a Participatory Guarantee System for the organic horticulture sector of Rwanda (Rwanda PGS) 01.09.2022 31.10.2022
completed CH Kosovo – National Organic Action Plan (Kosovo NOAP) 20.04.2022 30.11.2022
completed CH SIRED Kosovo 01.02.2022 15.12.2022
completed CH Consultation of the Sidama Coffee Cooperative Union (SCFCU) regarding the new EU organic regulation (GIZ ICS Ethiopia) 03.11.2021 15.12.2022
completed CH Organic Trade for Development (OT4D) 01.09.2021 31.08.2023
ongoing CH Course Organic Gardening School Hünibach (Lehrgang Biogarten) 01.07.2021
completed CHDE Ensuring the integrity of third-country imports of organic products (SECURBIO) 01.03.2021 31.08.2024
completed CHDE Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector – Organic Working Group 01.02.2021 31.01.2023
completed CH Facilitating organic cocoa development in Central Cameroon 01.09.2020 31.12.2022
completed CH Knowledge transfer to ICS certified producer groups in selected African countries within the framework of GIZ SI training and employment (Africa ICS GIZ) 15.10.2019 31.12.2020
completed CH Higher Value Added Trade from the Organic and the Dairy Sector in Ukraine (Quality FOOD Trade Program) 23.08.2019 30.06.2023
completed DECH Green Innovation Centres for the Agriculture and Food Sector – Organic Working Group 01.01.2019 31.12.2020
completed CH Code of Practice for organic food processing (ProOrg) 01.05.2018 01.11.2021
completed CH Supporting the South East European Organic Network (SEEON) (Organic Farming in SEE) 01.03.2016 30.04.2017
completed CH Organic Agriculture in Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi OAS) 05.10.2015 23.03.2017
completed CHDE Consolidation of the Local Organic Certification Bodies 01.10.2014 31.12.2018
completed CH Organic Soya from Europa 01.04.2014 28.02.2016
completed ATCH Organic Market Development in Ukraine (Phase 2) 01.06.2012 31.08.2018
completed CH QualityLowInputFood: Improving quality and safety and reduction of cost in the European organic and 'low input' supply chains (QLIF) 01.03.2004 31.05.2009
completed CH QualityLowInputFood SP 1: Determining consumer expectations and attitudes towards organic/low input food quality and safety (QLIF, SP 1) 01.03.2004 31.07.2010
completed CH European information system for organic markets (EISfOM) 01.02.2003 31.01.2006
completed CH Organic market initiatives and rural development (OMIARD) 01.01.2001 29.02.2004
completed CH Sustainable agricultural land use in mountain regions (SAGRI - ALP) 01.01.1998 31.12.2000

Training / professional career

  • Since 2014 Senior consultant at the Department of International Cooperation at FiBL
  • 2006 - 2013 Project manager marketing and partner of bossert & richter AG
  • 1999 - 2006 Marketresearch at FiBL

Committee work / further activities

Arbitrator Bio Suisse fair trade relations


Publications in the Organic Eprints archive