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European information system for organic markets


The European Information System for Organic Markets (EISfOM) was a European Concerted Action (QLRT-2001-02400), running 2003 - 2006. The aim of the project was to build up a framework for reporting valid and reliable data for relevant production and market data about the European organic sector in order to meet the needs of policy makers, farmers, processors, wholesalers and other actors involved in organic markets.

European markets for organic products are developing fast; more and more farming land is converted to organic production. In order to adjust production and consumption levels, detailed market information is needed; especially for decisions on converting specific land or livestock enterprises requiring high investments into glasshouses, housing, processing facilities etc. Likewise, valid, accurate and up-to-date data information is essential for policy-makers, consultants, processing industry etc.

In most European countries only very basic data on organic farming are gathered. Furthermore, there is no standardization in the collection of data and data are therefore seldom comparable. This means, there are only rough estimates of the levels of production and consumption of organic food in Europe.

In the EISfOM project existing information collection systems in 32 countries were analysed. Proposals were made for developing new or enlarging existing data collection and processing systems.

The proposals should provide the basis for developing a Quality Management System (QMS) for ensuring data Quality.

Financing/ Donor

(Research) Program
  • European Union: 5th Research Framework Programme
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
Role of FiBL


Date modified 07.03.2024