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Organic Trade for Development


Europe has favourable natural conditions for organic farming and huge growth potential for the organic market. The ever increasing demand in the Swiss and European markets and an emerging domestic market for healthy food in Eastern Europe provides interesting business opportunities in particular in export and local market development.

The overall goal is is to accelerate the market uptake of organic farming in Eastern Europe, namely Albania, Serbia and Ukraine and to increase and enhance jobs in the organic sector, particularly for youth and women. The potential of the domestic and export organic markets should be increased with the following measures:

  • Strengthening sector institutions, value chains and advisory services,
  • Developing producer groups,
  • Developing market strategies
  • Raising consumer awareness.
Detailed Description

The overall goal of the programme is to accelerate the market uptake of organic farming in Eastern Europe, namely Albania, Serbia and Ukraine by fostering 1) organic exports, and 2) sustainable organic sector growth.

1. Organic exports and partnership with the private sector

Organic exports will be developed through public engagement with the Swiss organic sourcing industry. The Swiss organic sourcing industry will be invited to participate in a call for a project with the objective to increase the competitiveness and value addition in their existing or new supply chains originating from the Western Balkans or Ukraine. The private sector is expected to contribute at least 50 % of the project costs.

2. Sustainable organic sector growth and IFOAM – Organics International

The implementation of Organic 3.0 in the partner countries contributes to the sustainable growth of their organic sectors. IFOAM as owner of Organic 3.0 is implementing the vision in partnership with their local members. At the core is the development of the domestic market, including both the demand and supply side. The focus is on capacity development for value chain stakeholders, producers and processors, sector institutions and market systems plus advocacy and awareness raising.

Financing/ Donor
  • State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
(Research) Program
  • State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO – Economic Cooperation and Development
Project partners
  • IFOAM – Organics International
  • Helvetas
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
Role of FiBL

Project partner

FiBL project number 65208
Date modified 17.05.2024