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Nicht in der Datenbank Organic Eprints erfasste Publikationen
Turgay, O.C., Buchan, D., Moeskops, B., De Gusseme, B., Ortas, I., De Neve, S. (2014): Changes in Soil Ergosterol Content, Glomalin-Related Soil Protein, and Phospholipid Fatty Acid Profile as Affected by Long-Term Organic and Chemical Fertilization Practices in Mediterranean Turkey. Arid Land Research and Management 29, 180-198.
Moeskops, B., Buchan, D., Van Beneden, S., Fievez, V., Sleutel, S., Gasper, M.S., D’Hose, T., De Neve, S. (2012): The impact of exogenous organic matter on SOM contents and microbial soil quality. Pedobiologia 5, 175-184.
Buchan, D., Moeskops, B., Ameloot, N., De Neve, S., Sleutel, S. (2012): Selective sterilisation of undisturbed soil cores by gamma irradiation: Effects on free-living nematodes, microbial community and nitrogen dynamics. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 47, 10-13.
Moeskops B (Ed.) (2011): Future Farms and Food in Europe. VODO vzw, Brussel, 103 pp.
Verspecht, A., Vandermeulen, V., De Bolle, S., Moeskops, B., Vermang, J., Van den Bossche, A., Van Huylenbroeck, G., De Neve, S. (2011): Integrated policy approach to mitigate soil erosion in West-Flanders. Land Degradation & Development 22, 84-96.
Moeskops, B. (2010): Biochemical and microbial indicators of soil quality in contrasting agroecosystems. Ghent University, PhD thesis.
Sleutel, S., Vandenbruwane, J., De Schrijver, A., Wuyts, K., Moeskops, B., Verheyen, K., De Neve, S. (2009): Patterns of dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen fluxes in deciduous and coniferous forests under historic high nitrogen deposition. Biogeosciences 6, 2743-2758.
Sleutel, S., Moeskops, B., Huybrechts, W. et al. (2008): Modeling soil moisture effects on net nitrogen mineralization in loamy wetland soils. Wetlands 28, 724-734.
Jin, K., De Neve, S., Moeskops, B., Lu, J.J., Zhang, J., Gabriels, D., Cai, D.X., Jin, J.Y. (2008): Effects of different soil management practices on winter wheat yield and N losses on a dryland loess soil in China. Australian Journal of Soil Research 46, 455-463.