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Nicht in der Datenbank Organic Eprints erfasste Publikationen
Safanelli, J. L., Sanderman, J., Bloom, D., Todd-Brown, K., Parente, L. L., Hengl, T., Adam, S., Albinet, F., Ben-Dor, E., Boot, C. M., Bridson, J. H., Chabrillat, S., Deiss, L., Demattê, J. A. M., Scott Demyan, M., Dercon, G., Doetterl, S., van Egmond, F., Ferguson, R., Garrett, L. G., Haddix, M. L., Haefele, S. M., Heiling, M., Hernandez-Allica, J., Huang, J., Jastrow, J. D., Karyotis, K., Machmuller, M. B., Khesuoe, M., Margenot, A., Matamala, R., Miesel, J. R., Mouazen, A. M., Nagel, P., Patel, S., Qaswar, M., Ramakhanna, S., Resch, C., Robertson, J., Roudier, P., Sabetizade, M., Shabtai, I., Sherif, F., Sinha, N., Six, J., Summerauer, L., Thomas, C. L., Toloza, A., Tomczyk-Wójtowicz, B., Tsakiridis, N. L., van Wesemael, B., Woodings, F., Zalidis, G. C., & Żelazny, W. R. (2023): An interlaboratory comparison of mid-infrared spectra acquisition: Instruments and procedures matter. Geoderma 440, 116724. doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2023.116724
Mainka, M., Summerauer, L., Wasner, D., Garland, G., Griepentrog, M., Berhe, A. A., & Doetterl, S. (2022): Soil geochemistry as a driver of soil organic matter composition: Insights from a soil chronosequence. Biogeosciences 19 (6), 1675–1689. doi.org/10.5194/bg-19-1675-2022
Barthel, M., Bauters, M., Baumgartner, S., Drake, T. W., Bey, N. M., Bush, G., Boeckx, P., Botefa, C. I., Dériaz, N., Ekamba, G. L., Gallarotti, N., Mbayu, F. M., Mugula, J. K., Makelele, I. A., Mbongo, C. E., Mohn, J., Mandea, J. Z., Mpambi, D. M., Ntaboba, L. C., Rukeza, M. B., Spencer, R. G. M., Summerauer, L., Vanlauwe, B., Van Oost, K., Wolf, B., & Six, J. (2022): Low N2O and variable CH4 fluxes from tropical forest soils of the Congo Basin. Nature Communications 13 (1), 330. doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-27978-6
Summerauer, L., Baumann, P., Ramirez-Lopez, L., Barthel, M., Bauters, M., Bukombe, B., Reichenbach, M., Boeckx, P., Kearsley, E., Van Oost, K., Vanlauwe, B., Chiragaga, D., Heri-Kazi, A. B., Moonen, P., Sila, A., Shepherd, K., Bazirake Mujinya, B., Van Ranst, E., Baert, G., Doetterl, S., & Six, J. (2021) : The central African soil spectral library: A new soil infrared repository and a geographical prediction analysis. SOIL 7 (2), 693–715. doi.org/10.5194/soil-7-693-2021
Doetterl, S., Asifiwe, R. K., Baert, G., Bamba, F., Bauters, M., Boeckx, P., Bukombe, B., Cadisch, G., Cooper, M., Cizungu, L. N., Hoyt, A., Kabaseke, C., Kalbitz, K., Kidinda, L., Maier, A., Mainka, M., Mayrock, J., Muhindo, D., Mujinya, B. B., Mukotanyi, S. M., Nabahungu, L., Reichenbach, M., Rewald, B., Six, J., Stegmann, A., Summerauer, L., Unseld, R., Vanlauwe, B., Van Oost, K., Verheyen, K., Vogel, C., Wilken, F., & Fiener, P. (2021): Organic matter cycling along geochemical, geomorphic, and disturbance gradients in forest and cropland of the African Tropics – project TropSOC database version 1.0. Earth System Science Data 13 (8), 4133–4153. doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-4133-2021
Bauters, M., Moonen, P., Summerauer, L., Doetterl, S., Wasner, D., Griepentrog, M., Mumbanza, F. M., Kearsley, E., Ewango, C., Boyemba, F., Six, J., Muys, B., Verbist, B., Boeckx, P., & Verheyen, K. (2021): Soil Nutrient Depletion and Tree Functional Composition Shift Following Repeated Clearing in Secondary Forests of the Congo Basin. Ecosystems 24, 1422–1435. doi.org/10.1007/s10021-020-00593-6
Baumgartner, S., Barthel, M., Drake, T. W., Bauters, M., Makelele, I. A., Mugula, J. K., Summerauer, L., Gallarotti, N., Cizungu Ntaboba, L., Van Oost, K., Boeckx, P., Doetterl, S., Werner, R. A., & Six, J. (2020): Seasonality, drivers, and isotopic composition of soil CO2 fluxes from tropical forests of the Congo Basin. Biogeosciences 17 (23), 6207–6218. doi.org/10.5194/bg-17-6207-2020