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Nicht in der Datenbank Organic Eprints erfasste Publikationen
Grovermann, C., (2017). Assessment of innovation capacities: A scoring tool. Occasional Papers on Innovation in Family Farming. FAO, Rome.
Grovermann, C., Gaiji, S., Nichterlein, K., Saley-Moussa, A., Ricardo-Diaz, S., Sonnino, A., Chuluunbaatar, D. (2017). The potential of a global diagnostic tool for agricultural innovation systems in: Cornell University; INSEAD; WIPO: The Global Innovation Index 2017: Fostering Innovation in Agriculture and Food Systems, Cornell University, INSEAD, and WIPO, Ithaca, Fontainebleau, and Geneva.
Grovermann, C., Schreinemachers, P., Berger, T., (2017). ‘Smart’ policies to reduce pesticide use and avoid income trade-offs: An agent-based model applied to Thai agriculture. Ecological Economics, 132, 91-103.
Riwthong, S., Schreinemachers, P., Grovermann, C., Berger, T. (2016). Risk perceptions and pesticide use by subsistence and commercial farmers in Thailand. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development. In Press.
Bannwarth, M., Grovermann, C., Schreinemachers, P., Ingwersen, J., Lamers, M., Berger, T., Streck, T., (2016). Non-hazardous pesticide concentrations in surface waters: Simulating application thresholds and resulting farm income effects. Journal of Env. Management, 165, 298–312.
Angelico, C., Grovermann, C., Nichterlein, K., Sonnino, A. (2015): Is aid to agricultural innovation a priority for the international community? A comprehensive analysis of 2002 to 2012 OECD data on foreign assistance to research and extension in agriculture, forestry and fishing. Occasional Papers on Innovation in Family Farming. FAO, Rome.
Grovermann, C. (2015). Assessment of Pesticide Use Reduction Strategies for Thai Highland Agriculture: Combining Econometrics and Agent-based Modelling. Development Economics & Policy 73. Peter Lang, Frankfurt.
Riwthong, S., Schreinemachers, P., Grovermann, C., Berger, T. (2015). Land use intensification, commercialization and changes in pest management of smallholder upland agriculture in Thailand. Env. Science & Policy, 45, 11-19.
Grovermann, C., Schreinemachers, P., Berger, T., (2013). Quantifying pesticide overuse from farmer and societal points of view: An application to Thailand. Crop Protection, 53, 161-168.
Lamers, M., Schreinmachers, P., Ingwersen, J., Grovermann, C., Berger, T. (2013). Agricultural Pesticide Use in Mountainous Areas of Thailand and Vietnam: Towards Reducing Pesticide Exposure and Rationalizing Use, in: Fröhlich, H.L.; Schreinemachers, P.; Stahr, K.; Clemens, G. (Eds.), Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Southeast Asia: Innovations and Policies for Mountain Areas. Springer, Berlin, 102-143.
Schreinemachers, P., Schad, I., Tipraqsa, P., Williams, P., Neef, A., Riwthong, S., Sangchan, W., Grovermann, C., (2012).Can Public GAP Standards Reduce Agricultural Pesticide Use? The case of fruit and vegetable farming in northern Thailand. Agriculture and Human Values, 29, 1-11.
Lefroy, R., Collet, L., Grovermann, C., 2010. Study on Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Land Use in the Lao PDR. International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Vientiane, Lao PDR.