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Thomas Bernet

Affiliation / Function

Activity areas

  • Market and method development for rural development
  • Marketing concept development
  • Development, backstopping and facilitation of participatory R&D methods and processes
  • Project management and project evaluations
  • Nutrition sensitive agriculture


completed CH Evaluation of Biovision's iABC project 04.11.2024 31.01.2025
ongoing CH Quality Food Trade Program in Ukraine, Phase II (QFTP) 01.07.2023 30.06.2026
ongoing CH Promoting the Sara Ana Center in Bolivia as a renowned international training and research centre for cacao related agroforestry 01.10.2022 30.06.2025
completed CH Recycling palm oil production residues by composting (Côte d'Ivoire Compost huile de palme) 01.09.2022 28.02.2025
ongoing CH Climate friendly organic palm and coconut oil production in the tropics 01.09.2022 31.12.2025
ongoing CH Accelerating the Organic Market Development in Kenya – PMCA Follow-up Project (PMCA Follow-up) 01.07.2022 30.06.2025
completed CH Cocoa-based dynamic agroforestry and wild Bolivian specialty cocoa value chain development (Amazonia resiliente) 10.04.2022 31.07.2023
completed CH Evaluation of the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative of the African Union (EOA-I Evaluation) 01.04.2022 21.10.2022
completed CH Organic Trade for Development (OT4D) 01.09.2021 31.08.2023
completed CH Organic Influencer Marketing - Improving Market Access for Farmers and Strengthening Demand for Organic Products through Social Media in Kenya 01.07.2021 31.12.2023
ongoing CH Consumption of Resilient Orphan Crops & Products for Healthier Diets (CROPS4HD) 01.07.2021
completed CH Fair & Organic Coconut Oil from Côte d’Ivoire 01.03.2021 31.12.2024
completed CH Organic Palm Oil from Africa – Bio Suisse certified palm oil from small-scale farmers in Ivory Coast 01.01.2021 31.12.2024
ongoing CH Strengthening the competitiveness of various value chains in Peru (SeCompetitivo Peru) 22.06.2020
completed CH Fact finding for the establishment of a direct value chain for Bio Suisse certified green pistachio kernels from Turkey 01.02.2020 30.04.2020
completed CH InfOrganic Moldova 2020-2022 01.01.2020 31.12.2022
completed CH Training materials and courses for best practices in organic and dynamic Cocoa Agroforestry systems 01.11.2019 30.09.2022
completed CH Knowledge transfer to ICS certified producer groups in selected African countries within the framework of GIZ SI training and employment (Africa ICS GIZ) 15.10.2019 31.12.2020
completed CH Linking organic farmers in Muranga, Kenya, to markets through value chain, agribusiness and technical capacity development (Africa ProEco PMCA Bachmann) 01.10.2019 31.08.2022
completed CH German-Moroccan expert dialogue on agriculture and forestry (DIAF) 01.10.2019 31.12.2023
completed CH Higher Value Added Trade from the Organic and the Dairy Sector in Ukraine (Quality FOOD Trade Program) 23.08.2019 30.06.2023
completed CH Farmer capacity development to improve organic sesame production in Ethiopia 01.07.2019 30.06.2022
completed CH InfOrganic - Organic Farming: Principles and Best Practices 01.06.2019 31.12.2019
completed CH Organic and Fair Palm Oil Production 01.10.2018 31.03.2019
completed CH Strategic review of the project EdAgri, Moldova 20.02.2018 15.05.2018
completed CH Organic soya in Switzerland – Optimising the Swiss production chain from seeds to the final product (B3S) 01.01.2016 31.03.2019
completed CH Organic Agriculture in Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi OAS) 05.10.2015 23.03.2017
completed CH Assessment study of the LED supported fruit processing company "La Morina" in Moro, Peru 25.09.2015 31.12.2015
completed CH Regional Marketing and Branding – Sharri Mountains Kosovo 01.09.2015 31.08.2016
completed CH Nutrition in Mountain Agro-ecosystems (NMA) 01.05.2015 31.05.2021
completed CH Yamsys, Biophysical and socio-economic drivers of sustainable soil use in yam cropping systems for improved food security in West Africa (Yamsys) 01.11.2014 30.11.2020
completed CH Mid-term Evaluation Biotrade South Africa Project 01.09.2014 31.12.2014
completed CH Organic Soya from Europa 01.04.2014 28.02.2016
completed CH Economic and Employment Promotion Program, Component: Promotion of Organic Agriculture 01.10.2012 30.06.2014
completed ATCH Organic Market Development in Ukraine (Phase 2) 01.06.2012 31.08.2018
completed DECH German-Turkish Cooperation – Organic Agriculture 01.12.2011 31.12.2016
completed CH Backstopping market development: Horticulture Promotion Project in Kosovo (HPK) 01.11.2011 31.12.2012
completed CH Training & Backstopping for Organic Market Development in Saudi ArabiaSaudiarabien 01.04.2011 30.06.2014
completed CH Coaching and backstopping - skills for jobs in Bosnia Herzegovina (Bosnien PMCA DEZA) 01.01.2011 31.12.2013
completed CH Citrus Greening and NFC Procurement 2020-24 01.01.2011 30.05.2024
completed CH Organic Certification and Market Development, Lebanon 01.01.2005 31.12.2011
completed CH Sustainable Agriculture Support for Albania (SASA) 01.01.2001 31.12.2011

Training / professional career

  • Since 2009 coordinator of market-oriented R&D activities and project manager of the International Cooperation Divison at FiBL Frick
  • 2006 - 2009 trainer and backstopper of market- and market chain development activities in different countries as an independent international consultant
  • 2005 technical coordinator of a DFID market chain development project
  • 2001 - 2005 subproject leader for potato postharvest activities at the International Potato Center (CIP); responsible for method development to enhance market linkages of small-scale farmers
  • 1997 - 2001 associate expert of SDC and PhD Candidate in farming systems and policy research on Peruvian`s dairy sector at the International Potato Center (CIP)


Publications in the Organic Eprints archive

Publications that are not in the Organic Eprints archive

  • Hermann M. and Bernet T. 2009. The transition of maca from neglect to market prominence: Lessons for improving use strategies and market chains of minor crops. Agricultural Biodiversity and Livelihoods Discussion Papers 1. Bioversity International, Rome, Italy. (available under
  • Devaux A., Horton D., Velasco C., Thiele G., López G., Bernet T., Reinoso I., Ordinola M. Collective action for market chain innovation in the Andes. Food Policy 34 (2009) 31–38.
  • Bernet T., Devaux A., Thiele G., López G., Velasco C., Manrique K., Ordinola M. 2008. The Participatory Market Chain Approach: Stimulating pro-poor market-chain innovation. ILAC Brief No 21, Institutional Learning and Change (ILAC) Initiative.
  • Bernet T., Devaux A., Ortiz O. and Thiele G. Participatory Market Chain Approach. In: UPWARD. 2005. Participatory Research and Development for Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management: A Sourcebook. Los Baños, Philippines.
  • Bernet T., Devaux A., Ortiz O. and Thiele G. 2005. Participatory Market Chain Approach.  In: BeratinerInnen News 1/2005. LBL. Lindau Switzerland.
  • Butler G., Bernet T., and Manrique K. 2004. Mechanization of Potato Grading on Small-Scale Farms: A Case Study from Peru. Experimental Agriculture Vol. 41, 1-12.
  • Bernet T. and Amoros W. 2004. Comercializando la biodiversidad. LEISA Revista de Agroecología, Vol.20, No 3, 8-9.
  • Bernet T. and Amoros W. 2004. Marketing Biodiversity. LEISA Magazine Vol.20, Issue 3, 18-19.
  • Bernet T., Hibon A., Bonierbale M., and Hermann M. 2004. Market Approach to Conserving Agrobiodiversity. In: BeratinerInnen News 2/2004. LBL. Lindau Switzerland.
  • Bernet T., Hibon A., Bonierbale M., and Hermann M. Market Approach to Conserving Agrobiodiversity. In: UPWARD. 2003. Conservation and Sustainable Use of Agricultural Biodiversity: A Sourcebook. User's Perspectives with Agricultural Research and Development. Los Baños, Philippines.
  • Bernet T., Hervé D., Lehmann B., and Walker T. 2002. Improving land use of slope farmers in the Andes: An economic assessment of establishing small-scale sprinkler irrigation to shift toward milk production. Mountain Research and Development 22(4), 375-382.
  • Bernet T., Lara M., Urday P., Devaux A. 2002. El reto de vincular a los pequeños productores de papa con la Agroindustria. Revista Latinoamericana de la Papa (ALAP). Vol 13. pag.1-23.
  • Bernet T., Staal St., and Walker T. S. 2001. Changing Milk Production Trends in Peru. Small-Scale Highland Farming Versus coastal Agro-business. Mountain Research and Development 21(3), 268-275.
  • Bernet T., Pradel W. and Walker T. 2001. The Importance of Farmers’ Income Security for Enhancing Regional Development: Evidence from Southern Peru. Livestock Research for Rural Development 13(3).
  • Bernet T., Ortiz O., Estrada R. D., Quiroz R., and Swinton S. M. 2001. Tailoring Agricultural Extension to Different Production Contexts: A User-friendly Farm-Household Model to Improve Decision-making for Participatory Research. Agricultural Systems 69, 183-198.
  • Bernet T., Julca J., Saenz J., and Prain G. 2000. Peri-urban milk production in Lima, Peru: Assessing farmers’ decision-making within a changing market. Livestock Research for Rural Development 12(4).
  • Bernet T. and León-Velarde C. 2000. Income effects of fodder and herd management on small-scale milk producers in the northern Peruvian Andes. Livestock Research for Rural Development 12(3).
  • Bernet T., Lehmann B., Stucki E. W. 1998. Strategische Erfolgspositionen von Regionen: Die Förderung der wirtschaftlichenEntwicklung ländlicher Regionen durch politische Massnahmen. BWA Schriftenreihe Beiträge zur Regional- und Raumordnungspolitik Nr. 5. Bundesamt für Wirtschaft und Arbeit, Bern, Schweiz.