Halba/Sunray currently sources Bio Suisse certified green, shelled green pistachios from Turkey via Rapunzel. Present supply is not sufficient, and there is a need to search for alternative options. The Antep variety with its very distinct green colour and aroma best match the requirements for the Sunray/Halba products. Halba/Sunray thus wants to establish a second, possibly direct supplier, which is able to supply additional quantities of Antep pistachios. FiBL was tasked to assess the current situation and the potential establishment of a direct value chain for Bio Suisse certified green pistachio kernels from Turkey.
Pre-evaluation of potential project partners (relating especially to pistachio processing and trading) at Biofach (incl. Rapunzel, OTS and others) was conducted in February 2020 in Nuremberg.
The initial plan to visit main pistachio growing regions in Turkey by FiBL experts was cancelled due to Covid-19 pandemic. Instead, lengthy in-depth interviews were conducted with several pistachio traders, processors, farmers and government officials over Skype and phone calls.
Following aspects were considered and discussed during the interviews: