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Marktentwicklung Indien (Indien IC Seco)


Improve a promising Indian-based value chain for organic and fair-traded cashew nuts in order to increase its competitiveness and at the same time improve the livelihood of farmer households.

At the farmer organization level the project will strengthen a newly established farmer organization (particularly in Maharashtra), support it in fair trade certification and improve the existing internal control system for organic certification at producer level. At the processing company level which is the key partner in the value chain, the project will provide the strategic support to steadily increase the output of organic cashew nut kernels. Furthermore, the project will seek to arrange and handle new contractual arrangements with importers of fair trade and organic products. Additional small research support is planned for linking Indian research institutions to the farm organization to enhance the efficiency (focusing on farm constraints) of the value chain.


Helvetas Suisse Intercooperation

Ajanta Industries

FiBL Projektleitung/ Kontakt
FiBL Mitarbeitende
FiBL Projektnummer 6504006
Änderungsdatum 27.10.2023