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Faunistischer Vergleich von Intensiv- und Extensivweiden


Definition of the problem: In Switzerland, we can state a trend that farmer convert meadows more and more to pastures. What could be the consequences for biodiversity?
Project aims:

  • Find out in what way biodiversity differs in newly established low-input pastures from high-input pastures.
  • Analysis of the succession within the first six years.


  • Analysis of indicator groups in paired pastures – low-input and high input pasture – using pit-fall traps.
  • Low-input pastures were newly established with different elements (trees, bushes and structural elements)

Results, conclusion, state of the art: Communities found in low-input meadows were developing differently than in high-input meadows and were more rich in species.

FiBL Projektleitung/ Kontakt
FiBL Projektnummer NN
Änderungsdatum 22.07.2024