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Effiziente futterbasierte Wiederkäuer-Systeme

Projekttitel in der OriginalspracheEfficient Forage Based Ruminant Systems

The concept of the project is to develop least-cost, low carbon economy blueprints for ruminant grassland systems that utilise home-grown forages - by maximising the capture of solar energy via forages into animal protein. Industry-led, the project is innovative in its active participatory approach. Starting at the grass roots with the primary producers, working alongside processors and a retailer to meet supply chain requirements, the project aims to address and successfully overcome the constraints and practical challenges to optimising the UK domestic vegetable protein production capability from forages. Innovative strategies will be validated scientifically within controlled experiments and evaluated on commercial farms for productive, economic and environmental efficiency.

Offizielle Projektwebsitehttp://sustainableforageprotein.org
Finanzierung/ Donor
  • Innovate UK
  • Sonstige Programme
FiBL Projektleitung/ Kontakt
  • Moakes Simon (Departement für Agrar- und Ernährungssysteme)
(nicht verlinkte Personen sind ehemalige FiBL Mitarbeitende)
Rolle des FiBL

WP leader

FiBL Projektnummer 35124
Änderungsdatum 11.06.2019