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Reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung und Gründüngung als Elemente für nachhaltige biologische Anbausysteme


Organic farming systems contribute to ecosystem services such as the maintenance of soil quality and biodiversity. Reduced tillage and green manures are efficient conservation agriculture tools that can be adapted to further improve organic crop production systems. The overall goals of this project are to design improved organic cropping systems with: (a) enhanced productivity and nutrient use efficiency, (b) more efficient weed management and (c) increased biodiversity, but (d) lower carbon footprints (in particular increased carbon sequestration and lower greenhouse gas emissions from soils). These goals will be achieved by adapting and integrating conservation agriculture techniques (in particular reduced tillage and improved use of green manures) into organic farming systems to intensify biological soil functions like nutrient cycling, soil carbon build-up and biological nitrogen fixation, while optimising weed management protocols  (weeds being the main challenge when introducing reduced tillage systems). Optimum techniques for organic systems will be identified using an integrated approach:

  1. Farmers’ experiences and perceptions about reduced tillage and green manures will be assessed in semi-structured interviews. Existing data from medium and long-term trials on reduced tillage and green manures provided by the consortium, as well as the published peer reviewed and grey literature, will be evaluated with respect to yield stabilisation, soil quality and biodiversity (WP1 and WP2).
  2. Experimental Case Studies on soil quality and greenhouse gas emissions, weed management and functional biodiversity as well as improved nutrient management will be carried out. Carbon stocks in reduced tillage compared to plough systems will be measured (WPs3-5). Data from long-term tillage trials across Europe will be exploited to calibrate NDICEA, a decision support tool to predict soil organic carbon and nitrogen fluxes in the soil–plant system.
  3. The design of the optimised cropping systems will be tested by modelling approaches based on the results from the literature and the case studies (WP6). This will also involve the preparation of guidelines to help farmers addressing weed management challenges and temporary shortages of nitrogen supply. Farmers should finally be able to increase yields and yield stability, while improving both environmental and economic sustainability of organic farming systems.

The project’s dissemination activities will target farmers, advisors, scientific community as well as the agricultural support industries and policy makers. The main innovative strategy of the project is the adaption of conservation agriculture approaches to organic farming drawing on existing field experiments across Europe.

Offizielle Projektwebsitehttp://www.tilman-org.net
Detaillierte Projektbeschreibung

Interim results: At the kick-off meeting in Frick all partners defined their activities in the six work packages on data collection from field trials (WP1), crop yields and quality (WP2), soil fertility (WP3), weed management (WP4), nutrient dynamics (WP5), and farm prototyping (WP6). All partners met again at the interim meeting at the occasion of the Organic Producers Conference in Birmingham in January 2013.

Most of the TILMAN-ORG research activities are based on replicated field trials that were classified into long-term (older than seven years), mid-term (three to seven years) and short-term (younger than two years or starting). Field trial data from the past and data from literature were collected in WP1 and used for a meta-analysis on the crop and soil effects of reduced soil tillage under organic farming conditions in WP2. Likewise, it was planned to do the same for green manures, but the available data appeared too small under organic conditions. Analyses of multi-year field data and literature conducted to date confirm that reduced tillage increases soil carbon content and produces lower yield as compared to the plough system. Yield gaps varied strongly between different studies, indicating that local farming practices, crop type, and site conditions (soil, climate) had a strong influence on system performance. More than 150 farmers across Europe were interviewed and expressed their views and experiences with reduced soil tillage and green manures in WP2. Results from seven field trials, the literature and 150 farmer interviews were also used in WP6 for farm prototyping.

Soil analyses and soil emissions of greenhouse gasses are focus of WP3. Here soils from treatments of seven field trials were analyzed for a previously defined minimum data set, which is part of the Handbook of Methods, produced at the beginning of the project. Soil strata were sampled according to the respective soil tillage depths in each field trial down to the layer below the plough pan. Soils were analyzed for organic, microbial, and dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen in 2012. Carbon stocks were influenced by the form of tillage management at all sites, as expected, but they were additionally driven by the time of tillage management and the form of fertilization. Based on the results it was decided to focus on soils from Thil (FR), Scheyern (DE) and Frick (CH) for in depth soil analysis in the year 2013. These in depth analyses comprise methods based on DNA and phospholipid fatty acids as molecular markers to describe microbial community structure and functions as well as soil microbial activities (soil respiration, soil enzymes). Greenhouse gas emissions are measured at the three sites Frick (CH), Scheyern (DE) and Fischbach (LU).

Weed control may be the most challenging work for organic farmers, who want to implement reduced soil tillage. Without herbicides and without ploughing weed management is becoming a problem for farmers. Based on 13 field trials across Europe the outcome of WP4 was that despite elevated weed density, biomass, and diversity in reduced tillage treatments as compared to ploughing, crop yield was rarely reduced in the examined TILMAN-ORG field sites (one year study). Some field trials, where green manure types were tested across the tillage treatments, showed that certain green manure species are more suitable to suppress weeds than others.

Nutrient dynamics were modelled with NDICEA (Nitrogen Dynamics In Crop rotations in Ecological Agriculture) based on data sets from five field trials. The output of the modelling is not yet satisfying as measured data were only consistent with the modelled ones in one field trial. The model may need to be calibrated with suitable complete data sets from TILMAN-ORG field trials to work properly. Four new field trials with reduced tillage and green manures as factors have been set up.

TILMAN-ORG was disseminated actively to the public (website, print media, videos), to the farmers (articles, presentations, field days), and the scientific community (conferences, peer reviewed articles). All partners participated in disseminating TILMAN-ORG wherever possible.

  • CORE Organic II/ Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft (BLW)
  • Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland, www.fibl.org. Contact: Dr. Paul Mäder, Dr. Andreas Fliessbach
  • ISARA Lyon, Lyon, France, www.isara.fr. Contact : Dr. Christophe David
  • Helmholtz Zentrum München (HMGU). Germany, www.helmholtz-muenchen.de/egen. Contact: Prof. Dr. Michael Schloter
  • University of Kassel (UniKassel), Kassel, Germany, www.agrar.uni-kassel.de/foel. Contact: - Prof. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Heß, Meike Grosse
  • Louis Bolk Institute (LBI), Driebergen, The Netherlands, www.louisbolk.org. Contact: Dr. Chris Koopmans
  • Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR), Wageningen, The Netherlands, www.ppo.wur.nl/uk. Contact: Ir. Wijnand Sukkel
  • Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research, Plant Sciences, Crop Husbandry and Environment (ILVO), Merelbeke , Belgium, www.ilvo.vlaanderen.be. Contact: Ir. Koen Willekens
  • Public Research Center-Gabriel Lippman (CRP-GL), Belvaux, Luxem-bourg, www.crpgl.lu. Contact: dr. Philippe Delfosse
  • Newcastle University (UNEW), Newcastle, UK, research.ncl.ac.uk/nefg. Contact: Dr. Julia Cooper
  • Organic Research Centre-Elm Farm, Hamstead Marshall , UK, www.organicresearchcentre.com. Contact: Dr. Jo Smith
  • Estonian University of Life Sciences (EULS), Tartu, Estonia, www.emu.ee. Contact: Prof. Dr. Anne Luik
  • Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerche Agro-Ambientali (CIRAA), Pisa, Italy, www.avanzi.unipi.it, Contact: Prof. Dr. Marco Mazzoncini
  • Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (SSSA), Pisa, Italy, www.sssup.it. Contact: Prof. Dr. Paolo Bàrberi.
  • University of Barcelona (UB), Facultat de Biologia, Barcelona, Spain, www.ub.edu/agroecologia. Contact: Prof. Dr. Xavier Sans Serra
  • Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) Austria, Vienna, Austria, www.fibl.org. Contact: Andreas Surböck

For partner details: www.tilman-org.net/tilman-org-partners.html

FiBL Projektleitung/ Kontakt
  • Fliessbach Andreas (Departement für Bodenwissenschaften)
  • Mäder Paul (Departement für Bodenwissenschaften)
(nicht verlinkte Personen sind ehemalige FiBL Mitarbeitende)
FiBL Mitarbeitende
  • Alföldi Thomas (Departement für Beratung, Bildung & Kommunikation)
  • Berner Alfred (Departement für Bodenwissenschaften)
  • Gattinger Andreas (FiBL Deutschland)
  • Krauss Maike (Departement für Bodenwissenschaften)
  • Surböck Andreas (Pflanzen- und Gemüsebau)
  • Willer Helga (Departement für Beratung, Bildung & Kommunikation)
(nicht verlinkte Personen sind ehemalige FiBL Mitarbeitende)
Rolle des FiBL

Coordination (WP0)

Dissemination (WP0)

Co-Coordination (WP3)

FiBL Projektnummer 10047
Änderungsdatum 07.03.2024