Definition of the problem: Most of the farmers in Switzerland won’t apply GMO farming. Their organisations support a five-year ban for the marketing of transgenic plants. However, in Switzerland there is no political discussion on co-existence as in the European community and their member states.
Project aims including target group: In this study, the spatial aspects of coexistence of transgenic, conventional and organic farming in Switzerland are investigated. Special attention is be devoted to neighbouring producers all along the national boundary.
Methodology: 4 case studies in Switzerland, GIS-Analyses of available data, Literature research
Results, conclusion, state of the art: In this study, the spatial aspects of coexistence of transgenic, conventional and organic farming in Switzerland are investigated. It shows that there are only 28 communities of 2848 where all farmers are bound by different labels to produce GMO-free. Most of these communities are situated in high altitude regions.
In contrast, in arable regions of Switzerland, few farmers produce organic crops. In most of the communities in Switzerland, the simultaneous production with and without transgenic plants will be a huge problem because:
Special attention must be devoted to neighbouring producers all along the national boundary.