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Study of factors for natural induction of lactation in non-gestating goats and consequences on their welfare

Projekttitel in der OriginalspracheÉtude des facteurs permettant d’induire naturel-lement la lactation chez des chèvres non gestantes et conséquences sur le bien-être

Small ruminant dairy production is becoming increasingly important in the European agricultural context. Currently, to be profitable, females have to give birth every year, but these repeated gestations lead to the exhaustion of the animals, resulting in early slaughter after 6 to 7 years of production.

For dairy goats, farmers are faced with the choice of slaughtering the kids or selling them right after birth to industrial fatteners, which raises growing animal welfare and ethical concerns. Pilot tests conducted by FiBL France (Lactodouce project) have shown that non-gestating goats were able to produce milk of similar quality to that of a conventional lactation after a few weeks of lactation.

Gentle Dairy project aims to:

  • understand in more detail the mechanisms involved in the "natural" induction of lactation in non-gestating goats,
  • assess the animal welfare of non-gestating goats.

Thus, the project will avoid eliminating non-gestating goats and reduce the number of kids while improving animal welfare.

Finanzierung/ Donor
  • Four Paws Foundation
  • Sonstige Programme
FiBL Projektleitung/ Kontakt
FiBL Mitarbeitende
Rolle des FiBL

Experimental on-farm work, welfare assessment, organisation of farmers meetings and communication

Weiterführende Informationen
Gruppe/ Arbeitsschwerpunkt/ Standort
FiBL Projektnummer 23005
Änderungsdatum 20.03.2025