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Entwicklung und Einführung eines ökologischen Gesamtzuchtwertes


Conditions in organic agriculture demand some alignment concerning cattle breeding.

Definition of the problem: Ecological total breeding value is a total global value for sires. In conventional breeding systems, the main part of a total breeding value is made up of production traits. The index of ecological total breeding value has different weightings of the performance and functional traits.

Project aims: Development and alignment of index for an ecological total breeding values for the main breeds in Switzerland.

Methodology: Developing and implementing of the different weightings by experts from breeding organisations, researchers and peer groups of organic farmers.

Finanzierung/ Donor
  • Bio Suisse
  • Weitere Organisationen
  • Schweizer Braunviehzuchtverband
  • Schweizer Holsteinzuchtverband
  • Praktiker
FiBL Projektleitung/ Kontakt
FiBL Projektnummer NN
Änderungsdatum 07.03.2024