As part of its project 'Advancing Organic Agriculture Research in Hungary,' the Research Institute…
Organic farmers in Europe have developed different housing systems for pigs based on the…
Swiss institute presents a training manual for Africa
The Andreas Gattinger
The Swiss Government (State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO) is supporting an assessment for…
With the help of local partners, FiBL began research on long-term farming systems comparisons…
On July 19, during the 13th Regular Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and…
Extensive use of genetically modified (GM) cotton seeds is destroying agricultural bio-diversity and…
Together with its partner institution, Organic Standard Ltd (Ukraine), FiBL Switzerland has gained a…
The President of Ukraine vetoed the law on Ukrainian Organic Production that had been passed by the…
The potential of the organic market is huge. To operate successfully in importing organic products…
Revised version of the FiBL background document on E. coli (EHEC) now available
A FiBL-led EU project on food security in North Korea recently begins.
There has been much speculation about the pathogenic EHEC bacterial strain that has claimed the…
Die erste internationale wissenschaftliche Konferenz zu Biolebensmittelqualität und Gesundheit…
The Ukrainian Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) has—as one of the last in Eastern Europe—approved a new…
Interest in ecologically sound farming is growing. FiBL scientists have therefore summed up the…
The strategic aim of the project "Advancing Organic Agriculture Research in Hungary," launched in…
Over 400 scientists gathered at the 11th Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture to discuss…
The main goal of the first symposium of the LowInputBreeds project is to identify and discuss areas…
During Biofach 2011, market trends and figures on organic beekeeping were presented in the workshop…
Thirty-seven million hectares of agricultural land worldwide are farmed organically. The countries…
The Ecolabel regulation of the European Union has recently been revised and the scope extended such…
Freshly printed and in three languages, the new activity report is a fascinating look at FiBL…
The European Union is currently implementing the revised rules on the import regime according to the…
The region of Alto Beni in Bolivia recently inaugurated one of FiBL’s long-term farming system…
(Frick/Rome, December 9, 2010) The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),…
Bioinstitut, one of the founding members of FiBL International, has been actively involved in the…
The Beate Huber
Full report of the First AFI North America meeting
FiBL participated in a project that recently published a handbook on how to successfully communicate…
At the fifth ABIM-Lucerne Conference, the prime international meeting of the biocontrol industry,…
The 'International expert workshop on Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) - methods, models, and databases…
The conference 'Anti Fraud Initiative North America' takes place October 11 and 12, 2010 in…
The final workshop for the CORE Organic project "ANIPLAN" took place at FiBL in Frick on September…
Within the GTZ-funded project “Organic Agriculture in Serbia,” the consortium of AFC Consultants…
Eighty-eight year old Bhaskar H. Save – known in India as the Gandhi of organic agriculture – visits…
On September 21, 2010 the Network for Practical Research in Organic Farming (VÖP) was founded by…
What can organic farming do to alleviate poverty and ensure food security in countries in the South?…
FiBL recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government to support the Indian Federal…
An expert workshop on "Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) - methods, models, and databases with focus on…
CORE Organic II has published an announcement of a common call with a closing date of 15 October…
The 5th Latin American and Caribbean Meeting of producers and researchers in organic agriculture and…
In preparation for the first Asian IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements)…
At the 5th Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting Lucerne (ABIM Lucerne 2010), novel and safe biological…
On July 19, 2010, the European Commission opened a two-day conference to debate the new Common…
Isabell Hildermann from the FiBL Soil Sciences group recently completed her Ph.D. on Wheat Breeding…
The transnational partnership CORE Organic published a pre-announcement July 5, 2010, of a common…
Christian SchaderoftheFiBLSocio-economicsgrouprecentlycompletedhis Ph.D. thesisoncost-effe…
On May 10th and 11th 2010 the first workshop of the Round Table on Organic Agriculture and Climate…
Citricos Ex (Citrex), a Mexican company dedicated to processing fruit juices from the Veracruz…