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Logo LowInputBreeds

Logo CORE Organic

The European network for organic agriculture research will continue

The international research cooperation for organic agriculture will continue. The Federal Office of…

Media release Media release Media release

University of Kassel at Witzenhausen appoints FiBL Director Urs Niggli Honorary Professor

The University of Kassel at Witzenhausen appoints the well-known specialist for organic farming, Urs…

Martin Ott, Jiri Urban, Raymond Aendekerk, Anamarjia Slabe, Urs Niggli, Alexandra Pohl, Robert Hermanowski, Andreas Kranzler

Founding of FiBL International

FiBL International was launched on February 19, 2010 at the BioFach Conference in Nuremberg, Germany

Media release Media release Media release

35 Million Hectares of Organic Agricultural Land World-wide

FiBL and IFOAM present new facts and figures about organic agriculture world-wide at the BioFach…

New EU Logo

New logo selected for all EU organic products

On February 8, 2010, the European Commission officially announced the winner of the EU organic logo…

Management and breeding for organic plant and livestock production systems

Results of the European QLIF project and an outlook on the new projects NUE-CROPS and LowInputBreeds…

Organic farming world-wide: Latest figures at BioFach 2010

At the BioFach Congress 2010, the latest figures on organic agriculture world-wide will be…

Ukrainian certification body Organic Standard internationally recognized

The Ukrainian certification body Organic Standard (OS) has been recognized by the International…

New EU organic logo: 3 proposals

New EU organic logo: Commentary by Urs Niggli

According to Urs Niggli, Director of FiBL and member of the jury, the harsh criticism of the organic…


More than 25,000 NGO delegates had registered before COP15, yet many remained barred from entering…

[Translate to Englisch:] Logo ROATCC
Media release

Round Table on Organic Agriculture and Climate Change established

Climate change directly influences food production and food security. To address these new…

COPENHAGEN COMMENTARY: Climate change and social justice

The question of social justice is emerging in many of the Copenhagen events as a most urgent issue.…

COPENHAGEN COMMENTARY: Agriculture can slow global warming – but which type of agriculture?

At the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, the farmers' organizations are calling for…

IFOAM EU Group, IFOAM 2009: High sequestration ....

Climate Change Conference: The organic movement is present

The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements IFOAM and FiBL are present at the…

Media release

Reducing greenhouse gases, sequestering carbon – Harnessing the potential of organic farming!

Copenhagen Climate Summit: FiBL calls for worldwide promotion of organic farming

FiBL at BioFach 2010

FiBL and partners will have several presentations and workshops at the BioFach Congress 2010. As in…

Anti Fraud Initiative: Fourth Workshop in Brussels

More then 60 representatives from authorities, trade and certification bodies from 12 European…


Anti Fraud Initiative invites to meeting

The fourth workshop of the Anti Fraud Initiative AFI will be held on Wednesday, December 2, 2009.…

LowInputBreeds: Newsletter subscription

The LowInputBreeds project unites 21 partners from Europe and other parts of the world will develop…

Global organic agriculture: Positive mood in the international organic market

In a recent press relase BioFach informs about current market trends. FiBL provided some of the…


Online course at

Online training course on Successful Organic Production and Export from 2-27 November 2009

In November 2009, the course 'Successful Organic Production and Export'  will be launched.

It is a…

Logo of the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources

Growing Genetic Resources in Organic Agriculture - FiBL and partners present findings at FAO

In October 2009, the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture met in Rome, at the…

TP Organics: Online Consultation on Strategic Research Agenda

The Technology Platform TP Organics has reached major achievements in the first half year 2009 on…


Auweiler, Germany

Research on organic vegetable production: International meeting

On October 23, an international meeting of researchers in organic vegetable production will take…


L’viv, Ukraine

Seminar in Ukraine: Quality of organic grain crops

In the frame of the Swiss-Ukrainian Cooperation project, funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for…

European project LowInputBreeds begins: Improving animal health and product quality in European organic and ‘low input’ livestock production systems

A large-scale project which aims to improve animal health and product quality in European organic…

Logo FAO Organic Farming

ORCA: Database with information on organic research institutions now online

The proposed Organic Research Centres Alliance ORCA intends to internationally network and…

Logo Meeting ELN-FAB


FiBL, Frick, Switzerland

European Learning Network on Functional AgroBiodiversity: Seminar in Frick

On September 24 and 25, 2009 the second European seminar on the European Learning Network on…

Logo ABIM Lucerne

Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting in October in Lucerne, Switzerland

The fourth  Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting (ABIM-Lucerne 2009) will take place together with…

Logo of the 1st International IFOAM Conference Organic Animal and Plant Breeding

Seed Diversity in organic agriculture: FiBL feedback on Draft IFOAM Position

From August 25 to 28, 2009, the IFOAM Conference on Organic Animal and Plant Breeding is taking…

logo updated

The website has recently been updated. The site informs about organic…

Open day at FiBL: A big success

An estimated 3'800 visitors made their way to the open day of FiBL and the Swiss inspection body…

Organic farming worldwide: New Worldwatch Report

The Worldwatch Institute has prepared an extensive overview article about organic farming…

Logo Bioacademy

Bioacademy 2009: Answers to the challenges of the global crisis

The 9th European Summer Academy on Organic Farming - Biocademy 2009 - was held on June 24 to 25,…

Open day logo

August 16, 2009: Open day at FiBL

FiBL was founded a full 35 years ago, and bio.inspecta now looks back on 10 successful years. Reason…

World Congress on Organic Cotton – From Fashion to Sustainability

On the occasion of the UN Year of Natural Fibers 2009 the International Congress on Organic Cotton…

European Union: Competition to create a new EU organic logo

The European Union is looking for a new logo for organic products. Young artists or designers can…


Key results from the QLIF project now available

The Integrated Project 'Improving quality and safety and reduction of costs in the European organic…

The World of Organic Agriculture 2009

2009 edition of 'The World of Organic Agriculture' now published

The 10th edition of 'The World of Organic Agriculture' documents recent developments in global…

Ecropolis: sensory properties of organic food

In January 2009, the European research project Ecropolis was approved.

Logo TPorganics

Technology Research Platform ‘Organics’ launched

The European Union's and global agriculture face major challenges like climate change, loss of…

Second Round Table of the Eastern European countries ‘Organic Agriculture and Legal Framework’

The Second Round Table of the Eastern European countries ‘Organic Agriculture and Legal Framework’…

European Action Plans on Organic Food and Farming

The partners of the European project ORGAP (Development of criteria and procedures for the…

Activity report 2008

Sustainable land use, biodiversity, environmental protecion, food quality and animal welfare - these…

Logo Organic ActionPlan
Media release Media release Media release

Guidelines for successful organic action plan development and evaluation welcomed in Brussels

The European Commission and EU member states welcome the new manual and toolbox for the development,…

Logo organicXseeds
Media release Media release

OrganicXseeds now the official database in Bulgaria

Green light for registration of organic seed and propagating material in Bulgaria

Media release Media release Media release

Global Organic Farming: Continued Growth

IFOAM, FiBL and SÖL present new facts and figures about the organic sector at BioFach 2008

Security in the Organic Certification; Workshop Documents now available

The summary of the discussion among 60 experts at the first European workshop on the prevention of…