Ukraine had its first ever organic country pavilion at BIOFACH 2014. Involving nine important…
From 12 to 14 February 2014, FiBL will present a cross-section of its work in Hall 1 at BIOFACH in…
In 2012 the European organic market grew by approximately six percent to a value of almost EUR 23…
The fertile black soils of Ukraine are famous and provide perfect conditions for organic farming. At…
Also at BioFach 2014, the World Organic Trade Fair in Nuremberg, Germany, FiBL will have a stand. …
Organic cotton shows lower yields than genetically modified (GM) Bt cotton. Nevertheless, the lower…
Quality assurance in organic farming is developing well in Turkey. A cooperative project involving…
On November 25 & 26, 2013, the International Conference "Multicriteria assessment and communication…
On 16 October, Hanna Stolz and Heidrun Moschitz from the Socio-Economics Department of FiBL…
Christian Andres, formerly a student at ETH Zurich and now working at FiBL, has won the Swiss Forum…
CORE Organic is a European transnational research cooperation project supported by the European…
Recently the article "Green fingers" appeared in the magazine International Innovation, informing…
Organically farmed lands emit less nitrous oxide and take up greater amounts of atmospheric methane,…
Recently the UNCTAD Trade and Environment Review 2013 was launched. At a press conference in the…
The Expert Group for Technical Advice on Organic Production (EGTOP) was set up three years ago in…
On August 25, the new trademark for high quality regional agri-food products “Taste of the Ukrainian…
For a good four years, FiBL has coordinated a comparative trial of conventional and organic cocoa…
The Swiss National Fund (SNF) has approved a new research project on compost and fish feed…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) celebrated its 40th birthday by hosting an open…
On August 25, 2013 an open day will take place at FiBL in Frick.
The day provides the best…
This year marks the 40th anniversary of FiBL, the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. In…
Papers for the 4th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences (ICOAS) in Hungary…
The international conference on organic agriculture in the Mediterranean will be held from the 2nd…
The replacement of copper is a key priority in organic farming. The new EU-funded project…
Recently the directors of the Organic Food and Farming Division of Bioforsk, the Norwegian Institute…
Wie sieht das Bio der Zukunft aus? Der 12. Jahrgang des Traineeprogramms Ökolandbau stellt die…
A new publication analyses the problems of contemporary intensively-farmed landscape and describes…
Joint press release of March 5, 2013 of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture…
Switzerland’s Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) presents a new training video…
Also at BioFach 2013, the World Organic Trade Fair, which takes place annually in Nuremberg,…
This video presents several machines for mechanical weed control in commercial vegetable production…
The TILMAN-ORG consortium presented first results of a survey on organic farmers' motivations and…
The seventh newsletter of the LowInputBreeds project contains information about about progress in…
FiBL is implementing organic sector development activities in Ukraine.
(Frick, November 16, 2012) The University of Life Sciences (EMÜ) in Tartu, Estonia, is a leading…
The publication of a new meta-analysis by researchers at Stanford University (Smith-Spangler et al.…
Researchers from the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and the Swiss University of…
Twenty-eight participants attended the second meeting of the OrganicDataNetwork project on October 4…
In October 2012 the first agricultural policy strategy designed to achieve sustainable organic…
Recently the book "Organic Agriculture for Sustainable Livelihoods", edited by Niels Halberg,…
“Organic agriculture provides environmental benefits through the sequestration of atmospheric carbon…
This first organic sector study for Saudi Arabia offers an overview of a young but steadily growing…
After almost a year of development work the new FiBL Shop has now gone online. The FiBL Shop offers…
The Dutch VBP (Vereniging Biologische Producenten en Handel) and AFI (Anti Fraud Initiative) are…
Knowledge exchanged at global gathering
In June 2012, the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and the Research…
On 13 September 2012, Otto Stich passed away. He was a member of the Swiss Federal Council for 12…
The recent Importer-Exporter Platform held in Izmir, Turkey, adopted a quality declaration that…
After the political turmoil, the development of organic agriculture in Thailand is now gaining…
Organic, biodynamic and conventional wheat compared