The keynote speech at the Organic Science Conference in Canada was held by Urs Niggli, director of…
From 13 to 17 June 2016, 25 actors from the social, private and public sector met in Paipa,…
FiBL scientists have released a report identifying "Major bottlenecks of cotton production in Nimar…
On 23 June 2016, the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Switzerland visited the…
A long-term study by the Swiss Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in Kenya has shown…
On 26 June 2016, around 5000 people were invited to gain an insight into the work of the Research…
On 26 June 2016, FiBL will host an open day in Frick - you are very welcome!
The day provides the…
Almost 130 participants, speakers from around the world and a regional group of TIPI in China…
How can the management of phosphorus (P) in organic farming be improved? Phosphorus (P) is essential…
In some regions, contamination of organic crops with weeds containing tropane alkaloids such as…
On 27 May 2016, a Science Day will take place at BIOFACH China in Shanghai. It is organized by FiBL…
The National Institute for Agromonic Research (INRA) (France), the Technical Institute for Organic…
From 26 to 28 May, BIOFACH CHINA will celebrate its anniversary at the Shanghai World Expo…
Demand for organic food in Europe saw another record year of growth in 2014; however, organic…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL in Frick conducted a study on the consumption of…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL was founded in Switzerland over 40 years ago.…
The 19th Organic World Congress of IFOAM - Organics International, which is taking place from 9 - 11…
Wild bees and other insects have a crucial role to play in the pollination of both wild plants and…
The Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research (SFIAR) offers an annual Award for graduates…
The aim of the OrganicDairyHealth project is to improve health and welfare in organic dairy cows. In…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) has published the first peer-reviewed paper on…
Creating impact: that is what agricultural research for development is designed for. The…
Partners of the CORE Organic II funded IMPROVE-P project compiled information on the potentials and…
Turkey has very favourable production conditions for different organic crops. Due to its proximity…
Eleven Ukrainian companies participated as exhibitors at the BIOFACH Fair 2016 in Nuremberg,…
A team of experts led by Newcastle University, UK, has shown that both organic milk and meat contain…
Organic agriculture is practiced in 172 countries, and 43.7 million hectares of agricultural land…
FiBL and Skal sign cooperation agreement for assessment of inputs for Dutch organic farming.
Sustainable intensification of tropical agriculture is crucial, but how to achieve it is a matter of…
The latest global data on organic farming will be presented by the Research Institute of Organic…
In 2014, the European organic market grew by approximately 7.6 percent to a value of more than 26…
Another strong presence of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) at BIOFACH in…
Turkey provides highly favorable production conditions for growing different organic crops. Due to…
Tailored sustainability solutions from a single source - a new offer for customers in the…
FiBL started a new series on Facebook and will post reasons in favour of organic agriculture. The…
On February 12, 2016, the fourth Science Day will take place at BIOFACH, the World Organic Trade…
Also at BioFach 2016, the World Organic Trade Fair in Nuremberg, Germany, FiBL will have a stand…
According to a new study led by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL on behalf of the…
FiBL revised and expanded its dossier on plant breeding techniques in English due to the financial…
The purpose of the National Organic Research Forum (NBFF) is to recognise practical research needs…
How can we draw on existing knowledge about the climate as part of the decision-making process? The…
The Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research (SFIAR) will present their award on 25…
Over the next four years, experts in organic agriculture will visit the UAE in order to establish a…
How can agricultural soil be sustained and even improved? A tour through the department of soil…
The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) presented the first results of its survey on…
The importance of honeybees to agriculture and thus to human survival is well known. Nevertheless,…
On 29th September 2015 the Action Network: Organic Can Feed The Planet published a manifesto and…
Organic farming offers a multitude of benefits. The Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)…
The Anti-Fraud Initiative (AFI) - the international network to prevent fraud on the organic…