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Annual Biocontrol Industry Meeting ABIM 2016

ABIM steering committee from left to right: Martin Andermatt, Andermatt Holding AG; Lucius Tamm, FiBL; Anne Merz, FiBL; David Cary, IBMA; Willem Ravensberg, IBMA. (Photos: Josef Riegger)

Impressions of...

...ABIM 2015.

ABIM is the premier global meeting for the biocontrol industry and is internationally recognised as the global platform for the industry to network, discover and unveil new products, market opportunities and research areas. But as well as promoting biocontrol and networking it is the platform to liaise with and inform policy makers and regulators of the specific needs of our unique growth industry. This year's conference takes place from 24 to 26 October in Basel (CH).

During the three days of the 10th anniversary conference last year, over 800 delegates from 47 countries representing 394 companies and organisations from all over the globe were present and exchanged experiences and obtained information on the latest products and developments on the world market. In the scientific programme, 43 presentations covered the latest developments in market development, regulatory affairs and novel products for plant protection. The exhibition was at the core of the conference, giving companies excellent visibility. The vast majority of company representatives present at ABIM 2015 stated that they were highly satisfied with the outcome of the conference.

FiBL is a founding member and part of the organisational committee

ABIM was formed from a project between the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and the International Biocontrol Manufacturers' Association (IBMA), which also holds its annual association meeting at the ABIM. Both parties have organised the event since the beginning and influence the way organic plant protection is developed in the long term. This is important for organic farmers, who depend on the continuous development or organic plant protection.

Further information

FiBL contact

Anne Merz, FiBL Switzerland

Programme and registation

FiBL videos on ABIM
