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Communicating the regionality of organic food in university canteens


The project aims to develop a guideline that offers approaches for the further development of the communication of organic regional food in university canteens. To this end, the project provides an overview of the status quo of communication instruments in university canteens for organic regional food. The aim is also to analyse and evaluate the assurance systems used for organic regional food in this area. Successful communication approaches serve as best practice examples and will be further developed with a focus on digital concepts.

Qualitative interviews with student unions as well as expert interviews with persons from the field of science and research and from the field of university catering serve as survey instruments to obtain as complete a picture as possible of the current use of organic regional foods in university canteens.

Financing/ Donor
  • Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
(Research) Program
  • Federal Scheme Organic Agriculture (BÖL)
Project partners
  • Regionalfenster Service GmbH
  • N-Komm - Agentur für Nachhaltigkeits-Kommunikation UG
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
Group/ Work area/ Location
FiBL project number 6346
Date modified 17.12.2024