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FiBL projects

completed CH Global Influence of climate change on seafood sourcing 01.01.2024 01.08.2024
ongoing CHEU Medicinal plants for animal health care: Translating tradition into modern veterinary (MedPlants4Vet) 12.10.2023 11.10.2027
ongoing DE Sustainable and resilient cultivation of insects for an innovative use in feed and food production (reKultI4Food) 01.11.2021 30.04.2025
completed CH Resilience of Swiss organic aquaculture against climate change 01.07.2021 01.07.2022
ongoing DE organicXlivestock (DL-TierDB) 15.12.2020
completed DE Development of a database for organic animals and for organic juvenile aquaculture animals according to Art. 26 of the EU Regulation 2018/848 (TierDB) 01.09.2019 31.12.2021
completed CH Mali Agrinatura VCA4D Fisch 01.07.2019 31.03.2020
completed CH Duckweeds in Vietnam 01.01.2019 31.12.2019
completed CH Nachhaltig produzierte Wasserlinsen als mögliche neue Proteinquelle für die Schweizer Tierernährung am Beispiel der Aquakultur 01.12.2017 31.01.2021
completed CH Efficiency and sustainability of producing and feeding insect-based feedstuff to fish and poultry 01.08.2017 01.03.2020
completed CH Insect-based feed and fertilizer production via waste transformation for small-holders in Ghana (IBFFP) 01.01.2014 31.12.2017
completed CH Effects of husbandry conditions on animal health in aquaculture. Comparative investigations on different husbandry regimes using the example of trout production in Switzerland 01.01.2012 31.01.2015
completed CH Investigations on plant-derived therapies of fish diseases 01.11.2011 30.11.2014
completed CH Development of technologies to produce feed proteins on the basis of waste materials from agriculture and the food processing industry (Hermetia) 01.04.2010 31.03.2013