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Copyright guidelines for practitioner publications in the FiBL shop

FiBL is committed to exchange knowledge between research, extension and practice. One medium is our so-called "practitioner publications". All practitioner publications are available to be downloaded free of charge online at Selected publications can also be purchased as print versions. only includes practitioner publications and apps. These publications are developed in close co-operation with farmers, advisors and researchers and are targeted to different stakeholders in the agricultural context.

The practitioner publications include the following: technical guides, lists / registers, dossiers / fact sheets, guides / manuals, studies, conference proceedings, flyers, forms, PowerPoint presentations, field information boards / farm information boards / posters, practice abstracts, discussion papers, policy briefs and project briefs.

In principle, we support the dissemination and wider use of this information in the interest of organic, sustainable and animal-friendly agriculture, a high level of natural biodiversity and sustainable value chains. Nevertheless, a fair use of our work is important to us.

On this page, we specify how downloaded PDFs or purchased print versions of practitioner publications can be used and redistributed. By downloading or purchasing one of these publications, the user agrees to comply with the following copyright guidelines.

The following uses are permitted:

  • The practitioner publications may be freely downloaded and stored.
  • The practitioner publications may be sent digitally free of charge to anyone.
  • The practitioner publications may be printed out and distributed free of charge.
  • Comments may be added to publications in PDF form and practitioner publications sent free of charge.
  • The link to a complete, original practitioner publication may be included on websites or other publicly accessible digital media.

The following uses are NOT permitted:

  • Modification, translation and redesign of the practitioner publications without prior consultation with the FiBL editorial team (teamredaktion(at)
  • The original practitioner publications, downloaded from may not be sold and distributed as own products, either in digital or printed form.
  • Photos and illustrations may not be used in an immoral or illegal manner, in particular those in which identifiable persons appear.
  • The practitioner publications may not be used in a misleading or fraudulent manner.
  • It is not permitted to make complete, original practitioner publications available on websites, publishing platforms, learning institutional platforms, etc. (it is allowed and recommended to include the link to the publications on, in order to guarantee continuously updated content).

For any other use of the practitioner publications or contents published by FiBL, prior consultation with the editorial team is required (teamredaktion(at)

  • Any use of individual content taken from the practitioner publications such as text portions, tables, graphics and photos may be used provided that the authors and FiBL are acknowledged (see correct citation in overview table) and prior consultation with the editorial team.
  • Any modification or adaption for new material. The authors of the original edition and FiBL must be named as the source in the new material (see correct citation in overview table) and must give their approval before the new material is published and the editorial team has to be consulted.
  • Entire publications can be translated and published separately provided that the editorial team was consulted and the following conditions are met: the original FiBL edition is cited in the imprint with the first author, year, title and publisher (see suggested citation in the imprint of the original publication) and that the translations are made available to FiBL for an unlimited period for free download at the publications are offered as (chargeable) print versions, the publisher of the translation can link to the external website in the FiBL Shop. For translations of entire publications, FiBL prefers the FiBL layout to be used. The editorship and/or contributions of the organisations involved in the translation can be made visible by adding their logos to the title page of the publication and appropriate mention in the imprint. Funding through projects and/or programmes can be mentioned in the imprint (also with logo).

Overview table by product

 Entire publicationIndividual photosIndividual graphicsTexts / content
Non-commercial distribution of digital files and printed copiesOKIn consultation with the FiBL editorial team
Photographers and FiBL have to be credited
In consultation with the FiBL editorial team
Original publication and FiBL have to be credited
In consultation with the FiBL editorial team
Authors and FiBL have to be credited
Usage in publications / digital mediaAs citation / linkIn consultation with the FiBL editorial team
Photographers and FiBL have to be credited
In consultation with the FiBL editorial team
Original publication and FiBL have to be credited
In consultation with the FiBL editorial team
Authors and FiBL have to be credited
Upload to websites and media accessible to the publicIn consultation with the FiBL editorial teamIn consultation with the FiBL editorial teamIn consultation with the FiBL editorial teamIn consultation with the FiBL editorial team and the authors
ModificationIn consultation with the FiBL editorial teamIn consultation with the FiBL editorial teamIn consultation with the FiBL editorial teamIn consultation with the FiBL editorial team and the authors
TranslationIn consultation with the FiBL editorial team;
contract, if applicable; FiBL layout, if applicable
In consultation with the FiBL editorial teamIn consultation with the FiBL editorial teamIn consultation with the FiBL editorial team
Examples of correct citationsPfiffner, L. & Stöckli, S. (2023). Organic Agriculture and Biodiversity. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick. > 1548Thomas Alföldi, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick.In: Pfiffner, L. & Stöckli, S. (2023). Organic Agriculture and Biodiversity. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick. > 1548In: Pfiffner, L. & Stöckli, S. (2023). Organic Agriculture and Biodiversity. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick. > 1548


Further information
