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Valentin Gfeller

Zugehörigkeit / Funktion


  • Mikrobiom-basierte Züchtung 
  • Mikrobiologie
  • Biostatistik

Ausbildung / beruflicher Werdegang

  • Seit Mai 2022 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am FiBL in Frick
  • 2018 - 2022 PhD an der Universität Bern (Pflanzen-Mikrobiom Interaktionen, Prof. Matthias Erb)
  • 2013 - 2018 Studium in Biologie an der Universität Bern


Publikationen in der Datenbank Organic Eprints

Nicht in der Datenbank Organic Eprints erfasste Publikationen

  • Gfeller V., Thoenen L., Erb M. (2024): Root-exuded benzoxazinoids can alleviate negative plant-soil feedbacks. New Phytologist, 241, pp. 2575-2588. doi.org/10.1111/nph.19401
  • Gfeller V, Waelchli J, Pfister S, Deslandes-Hérold G, Mascher F, Glauser G, Aeby Y, Mestrot A, Robert CAM, Schlaeppi K, Erb M. (2023): Plant secondary metabolite-dependent plant-soil feedbacks can improve crop yield in the field. ELife, 12: 84988. doi.org/10.7554/eLife.84988
  • Gfeller V., Cadot S., Waelchli J., Gulliver S., Terrettaz C., Thönen L., Mateo P., Robert CAM, Mascher F., Steinger T., et al. (2023): Soil chemical and microbial gradients determine accumulation of root‐exuded secondary metabolites and plant–soil feedbacks in the field. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, 2, pp. 173–188. doi.org/10.1002/sae2.12063
  • Thoenen L., Giroud C., Kreuzer M., Waelchli J., Gfeller V., Deslandes-Hérold G., Mateo P., Robert CAM, Ahrens CH, Rubio-Somoza I., et al. (2023): Bacterial tolerance to host-exuded specialized metabolites structures the maize root microbiome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120: e2310134120. doi.org/10.1073/pnas.231013412
  • Cadot, S., Gfeller, V., Hu, L., Singh, N., Sánchez-Vallet, A., Glauser, G., Croll, D., Erb, M., van der Heijden, M. G. A., Schlaeppi, K. (2021): Soil composition and plant genotype determine benzoxazinoid-mediated plant–soil feedbacks in cereals. Plant, cell & environment, 44, pp. 3502-3514. doi.org/10.1111/pce.14184
  • Gfeller, V., Huber, M., Förster, C., Huang, W., Köllner, T. G., Erb, M. (2019): Root volatiles in plant-plant interactions I: High root sesquiterpene release is associated with increased germination and growth of plant neighbors. Plant, Cell & Environment, 42, pp. 1950-1963. doi.org/10.1111/pce.13532
  • Huang, W., Gfeller, V., Erb, M. (2019): Root volatiles in plant-plant interactions II: Root volatiles alter root chemistry and plant-herbivore interactions of neighboring plants. Plant, Cell & Environment, 42, pp. 1964-1973. doi.org/10.1111/pce.13534