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Beschaffung von Parmesankäse in Knospequalität


Coop already sells organic specialties from the Parma Region in Italy. However these are not Bio Suisse certified. Declaration mistakes cannot be excluded. Coop wishes to sell these specialties only in Bio Suisse Quality.  
A feasibility study carried out in 2012 confirmed that the production of Bio Suisse certified Parmesan-cheese is possible.  
Producers of Parmesan-cheese are being prepared for Bio Suisse certification in 2013 and 2014 and supply chains organized. Bio Suisse certified Parmesan-cheese shall be introduced in Coop shops in 2016. 

Finanzierung/ Donor
  • Coop Fonds für Nachhaltigkeit
  • Coop Fonds für Nachhaltigkeit
FiBL Projektleitung/ Kontakt
FiBL Mitarbeitende
  • Meili Eric (Departement für Nutztierwissenschaften)
(nicht verlinkte Personen sind ehemalige FiBL Mitarbeitende)
FiBL Projektnummer 65087
Änderungsdatum 27.10.2023