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Fruit tree phytoplasmas: detection, epidemiology and control

Projekttitel in der OriginalspracheLes phytoplasmes des arbres fruitiers: détection, épidémiologie et moyens de lutte

This project aims to improve knowledge and the implementation of technical solutions adapted to the control of phytoplasma diseases of fruit trees. The PHYDEMO project will address the following three issues:

  • improving phytoplasma detection techniques in the laboratory and in the field
  • acquiring knowledge on the epidemiology and factors favouring the disease
  • evaluating several control levers for sustainable management of these diseases in orchards

The evolution of molecular biology methodologies allows the development of faster detection methods, allowing direct detection in the field, and more efficient detection of asymptomatic material. FiBL France is involved in this action in order to develop and make available a simple detection tool using the LAMP (Loop-Mediated Amplification) method.

Finanzierung/ Donor
  • French Ministry of Agriculture and Food
  • French Directorate-General for Education and Research (CASDAR Programme)
  • Sonstige Programme
  • CTIFL, Centre Technique Interprofessionnel des Fruits et Légumes (Interprofessional Technical Centre for Fruit and Vegetables)
  • ANSES, Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l'alimentation, de l'environnement et du travail (French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety)
  • INRAE, UMR PHIM (Plant Health Institute Montpellier)
  • SEFRA, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Fruit Experimentation Station
  • SICA CENTREX, Centre Expérimental des Fruits et Légumes du Roussillon (Roussillon Fruit and Vegetable Experimental Centre)
  • CEFE, Centre d'Expérimentation en Fruits et Légumes du bassin Sud-Ouest (Fruit and Vegetable Experimentation Centre for the South-West Basin)
FiBL Projektleitung/ Kontakt
FiBL Mitarbeitende (nicht verlinkte Personen sind ehemalige FiBL Mitarbeitende)
Rolle des FiBL

Method development and field application, knowledge transfer

Gruppe/ Arbeitsschwerpunkt/ Standort
FiBL Projektnummer 23010
Änderungsdatum 30.05.2023