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Qualitätssicherung in der inländischen Biochicorée Produktion


As no fertilisers or pesticides are permitted in organic chicory cultivation, some batches suffer major losses every year due to bacteria, disease or insufficient quality/weight of the cones. Optimum cone weight and a continuous harvest volume are decisive factors for both producers and buyers. Various methods for increasing the health and quality of the cones in storage and during forcing*, which are compliant with organic farming, are to be investigated.

* Forcing = Process where harvested chicory roots are placed in dark, humid conditions to sprout. This causes the growth of the white chicory shoots that we eat.

Financing/ Donor
  • Coop
  • Bio Suisse
(Research) Program
  • Coop Sustainability Fund
  • Partnership Bio Suisse and FiBL
Project partners
  • Anbaubetriebe Gamper BioChicorée AG
  • Stiftung Tannenhof
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
Role of FiBL

Project manager

Further information
FiBL project number 25158
Date modified 10.10.2024