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Duckweed - Circular Economy Potentials

Original titleWasserlinsen – Potentiale im Kontext der Kreislaufwirtschaft

Duckweeds are highly efficient protein producers with the ability to produce a multiple of protein on the same area and in the same time compared to soya or other agricultural crops. They absorb nutrients such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) from the substrate and successfully produce large biomasses in a short time. Duckweed contains between 20% and 45% crude protein in dry matter and is ideal as animal feed. So far, duckweed, also known as water lentils, is little known for its beneficial properties but is rather considered an aquatic weed that overgrows ponds or drainage ditches. Duckweeds are currently not permitted as an animal feed, neither in Switzerland nor in most neighbouring European countries.
This project aims to raise awareness of the benefits and potential of duckweed and to familiarize the public with it. The overarching goal of the project is the authorization of duckweed as animal feed in Switzerland.

Financing/ Donor
  • Leopold Bachmann Stiftung (LBS)
(Research) Program
  • Leopold Bachmann Foundation – Focus area education
FiBL project leader/ contact
  • Stadtlander Timo (Department of Livestock Sciences)
(people who are not linked are former FiBL employees)
Role of FiBL

Project manager

FiBL project number 50161
Date modified 19.03.2024