DeliSoil will adopt a multi-actor, transdisciplinary approach to co-design processes that minimise food processing waste and valorise its by-products. The project will follow the circular economy and bioeconomy approaches (efficient use of biological resources), which emphasize the proper management of waste (keyword "waste hierarchy"), creating sustainable soil improvers in support of soil health in Europe. The tailored soil improvers developed in five regional Living Labs (LL) will be tested for stability, biosafety and molecular parameters, and their impacts on soil health, agronomic performance, and environmental risks will be evaluated. We will identify technological, legislative, financial, and social barriers and enablers for the conversion of food processing residue streams into organic soil improvers and fertilizing products, and use these results to analyse fairness throughout the LL value chains.
The Living Labs will share their solutions for using side-streams from vegetable, meat, insect cultivation, mixed food, tomato, olive oil, and wine industry actors. Our Lighthouses will allow inter-European partnering and demonstrate improved waste management sites integrating optimal practices in a circular economy. We will work in close cooperation with other EU projects and the European Soil Observatory (EUSO) to ensure coordinated delivery of Soil Mission goals. Project on the CORDIS website