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Low stress slaughter – influence of on farm killing on behaviour, stress physiology and meat quality of cattle

Original titleStressarme Schlachtung – Einfluss der Hoftötung auf Verhalten, Stressphysiologie und Fleischqualität von Rindern

Behaviour, stress-indicating parameters and meat quality of cattle killed on the farm are compared with the corresponding parameters of comparable cattle from the same farm slaughtered at the slaughterhouse during a similar period. Stress-inducing and stress-reducing factors on different farms in both types of killing and their influence on meat quality can thus be found.

The aim is to improve the knowledge of stress-inducing factors before slaughtering in order to subsequently be able to minimise these factors through advice and information events as well as articles in practical journals and to promote low-stress slaughtering and very good meat quality.

Financing/ Donor
  • Stiftung Edith Maryon
  • Stiftung Vontobel
  • Eva-Husi-Stiftung
(Research) Program
  • Further programmes
Project partners
FiBL project leader/ contact
FiBL project staff
Role of FiBL

Project coordination, recruiting farms, farm visits, animal observations, blood sampling, meat transport to the testing laboratory in Posieux, evaluations of the parameters collected, writing reports and articles

FiBL project number 50013
Date modified 05.02.2025