Creating criteria for the assessment of detergents and disinfectants for barn equipment, milking systems and processing farms in terms of ecology. The goal is to find a compromise between effectiveness and ecology, and to formulate application-oriented recommendations, which do not solely take into account ecological criteria.
The currently permitted, i.e. recommended active substances on the input list are to be examined, and if necessary reevaluated and if possible substituted with new substances.
Surfactants, especially quaternary ammonium compounds, are to be reevaluated as well as the approval of chlorinated substances, especially electrolyte water. Wastewater from stables and milking systems do not find their way into the sewage treatment, but rather directly into the slurry and, therefore, indirectly onto the field. This is also to be taken into account during assessment. Moreover, there shall be an examination of whether it is possible to incorporate production (raw materials, energy consumptions, other environmental impact, and health consequences for factory workers) in the assessment process.
Input lists in Switzerland, Germany and Austria