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FiBL news

Past news

A group of about 25 people are holding a banner.

TransforMed project: promoting agroforestry to regenerate degraded soils in the Southern Mediterranean basin

After decades of intensive farming practices that have degraded soil quality and fertility, as well…

A group of about 40 people in front of a building.

European project "Pro-Wild" to protect and promote crop wild relatives launched

A ground-breaking European initiative, "Pro-Wild", has officially commenced with the aim of…

Cover: Duckweed – a useful crop

Duckweed – unknown but full of possibilities? New factsheet for interested parties

Duckweed is a valuable source of protein and a potential crop for animal feed. FiBL Switzerland has…

Drone shot of a Keyline design.

Climate Farm Demo: New videos showing climate-smart farms in Switzerland

Many farmers are already implementing measures on their farms to mitigate climate change or reduce…

Close-up of a cornflower blossom. Photo: BLE/Bonn, Thomas Stephan

In a nutshell – the societal benefits of organic farming

50 per cent less energy use and 50 per cent less nitrate in the groundwater. 30 per cent more…

Meadow Grasshopper

Global warming causes changes in Swiss insect fauna

How has the distribution of insects in Switzerland changed over the past 40 years? The range of many…

Logo Root2Res

Increasing crop resilience – new project Root2Res was launched

FiBL is part of the project consortium of the EU project Root2Res. The overall goal of the project…

Basket with vegetables

New study shows that dietary guidelines need revision to account for environmental impact

Dietary guidelines issued by national governments aim to set a roadmap for consumers to live…

Flowering strips.
Media release

Pathways to carbon-neutral organic farming in Switzerland – the FiBL climate study

In its study on pathways to carbon-neutral organic farming in Switzerland, the Research Institute of…

Updated fact sheet "Soil and Climate" on the climate impact of organic soil management

The updated publication addresses the adaptability of organic agriculture to changes caused by…