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Organic farming enhances soil fertility and biodiversity

Results from a 21 year old field trial (Dossier N° 1)

The DOK-long term trial - unique in his conception - compares the consequences of bio-dynamic, bio-organic and conventional farming systems in a randomised plot trial. The field trial was started in 1978. In the beginning the main goals were agronomic: yield and product quality. In the last decade, therefor research has focused on processes in the soil and the long-term effects of organic farming practice on the environment.The database of agronomic results of more than twenty years has stimulatad the discussion about farming systems and has contributed significantly to the general acceptance of organic farming. This data sheet is only available as a file for free download.

Pages 16
Authors FIBL (Hrsg.)
Publisher(s) FiBL
Year of publication 2000
Publication Format Dossier / Fact sheet
Version Download only
Language English
Item no. 1090