New version of the statutes approved
With a total of 24 valid votes, the member assembly reached the quorum (minimum 16 valid votes) and was thus entitled to vote on the revision of the statutes and to elect a new council. The member assembly unanimously approved the new version of the statutes. The major change to the previous version is that from now on, all IFOAM affiliates (associates, supporters and members) have full voting rights in TIPI. Other changes mainly concerned the consistent use of terminology.
New council elected
The council of the new term (2018-2020) was elected. Urs Niggli, director of FiBL, continues to be president, Dora Drexler and Brian Baker are vice presidents.
The council members are:
- Olugbenga Oluseyi Adeoluwa
- Christian Andres
- Brian Baker
- Eduardo Cuoco
- Dora Drexler
- Andrew Hammermeister
- Tanveer Hossain
- Urs Niggli
- Gerold Rahmann
- Mohammadreza Rezapanah
- Gabi Soto
- Helga Willer
More information
- Christian Andres, FiBL Switzerland
- Helga Willer, FiBL Switzerland
Links TIPI council members