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Registration for Auditor training in organic control and certification

Cover Flyer

This International workshop will take place on 10 – 15 february 2020 at the Centre Mampuya, Toubab Dialaw / Senegal. This workshop aims to train future French-speaking professionals in the field of Control and Certification in Organic Agriculture. A total of 20 people are expected to attend this training, mainly from West African countries. The training is entirely given in French.

Competencies to be acquired

Following this training, you will be able to:

  1. understand the vision, ground rules and guidelines of an organic farming specification,
  2. conduct a control operation in organic farming
  3. write an inspection report on organic farming.

Objectives of the workshop

The specific objectives of this training are as follows:

  1. Consolidate the auditors‘ knowledge of the basics, principles and rules of organic farming,
  2. Train participants on the values, challenges, approaches, tools and rules of control in organic agriculture
  3. Constitute a pole of professional controllers in French-speaking Africa capable of supporting the development of the organic farming sector.

The overall objective is to contribute to the development of the organic farming sector in French-speaking West Africa.

Further information


Flyer (in english)
Dépliant (in french)

Registration Registration (in french)