Germany is not only the largest market for organic products in Europe but also one of its largest organic producers. In spite of this fact, in 2009/2010 Germany imported, depending on the product, 2 to 95 percent of such organic products which could also have been produced in the country.
This is shown by a project under the German Federal Scheme for Organic Farming and Other Forms of Sustainable Agriculture (BÖLN), carried out by the Agricultural Market Information Company (AMI) (, the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) ( and the market research company AgroMilagro (Helga Willer
Media release Importe von Bio-Produkten nach Deutschland ermittelt (in german)
- "Analyse der Entwicklung des ausländischen Angebots bei Bioprodukten mit Relevanz für den deutschen Biomarkt" (in german)
- Project: Analyse der Entwicklung des ausländischen Angebots bei Bioprodukten mit Relevanz für den deutschen Bio-Markt (in german)