The executive board, led by the new president Peggy Miars, who is succeeding the former president Andre Leu, will be supported by the new vice presidents Jennifer Chang and Frank Eyhorn.
FiBL team member Julia Lernoud was elected as a world board member. She aims to help take the organic movement to the world. "I envision a movement that is strong, connected, reaching new places and playing a major role in the complex world around us." She has been involved in the production of the statistical yearbooks "The World of Organic Agriculture" and the "The State of Sustainable Markets."
The new IFOAM World Board has the following members:
- David Amudavi, Kenya
- Jennifer Chang, South Korea
- Frank Eyhorn, Switzerland
- Choitresh Kumar Ganguly, India
- Hans Herren, Switzerland
- Julia Lernoud, Switzerland/Argentina
- Karen Mapusua, Fiji
- Peggy Miars, USA
- Gerold Rahmann, Germany
- Edith Van Walsum, Netherlands
The general assembly is the highest organ of IFOAM – Organics International and gathers every three years within the frame of the Organic World Congress. The meeting aims at inspiring the members, the board as well as the staff to constantly work towards the vision of being an important voice for the international organic movement. The next IFOAM general assembly is going to take place in 2020 at the 20th Organic World Congress in Rennes, France.
Further information
Julia Lernoud, FiBL Switzerland
- Julia Lernoud's statement of candidacy
- Article on the new IFOAM elections