In the framework of the OK-Net Arable project, the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari MAIB offers an online course for students and professionals on innovative tools and practices to tackle challenges related to productivity in organic farming.
From 3 April until 30 June, six modules (each in a 2-week course) will be presented, covering soil quality and fertility, nutrient management, pest and disease control, weed management and crop specific issues, concluding with a final synthesis. The online course consists of a e-learning platform, webinars and discussion forum between the participants to populate a community of practice by sharing questions and information about the new trends in organic arable farming at European level.
The deadline for applications is 15 March 2017.
FiBL is a partner in the OK-Net Arable project, which promotes exchange of knowledge among farmers, farm advisers and scientists with the aim to increase productivity and quality in organic arable cropping all over Europe. The project is financed by Horizon 2020, the EU’s main funding instrument for research and innovation.
Further information
- Ok-Net-Arable - Online course on "Challenges of Organic Arable Farming"
- On-line course "Challenges of Organic Arable Farming" Call for applications - for application form scroll down
- Project in the FiBL Project Database
- Website of the Ok-Net-Arable project
- OK-Net Arable - exchange knowledge, enhance organic farming
Contact MAIB e-learning staff
- Luigi Sisto, Distance Learning (DL) Coordinator, e-mail: l.sisto(at)
- Onofrio Lorusso, Computer Technologist, e-mail: lorusso(at)